George II - Executive Orders, Dictatorial Power
- by
Erik Fortman
here by Wes Penre for Illuminati
News, September 14, 2004)
President George W. Bush is
nothing, if not an elected monarch. He has seized upon this power to issue
edicts in the form of Executive Orders. These decrees are not debated over.
They are not voted upon by our representatives. The devolution of the power
of the States as opposed to the central government is obvious.
On the Federal Government's
official website, I counted no less than 150 Executive Orders issued by
King, er,
Bush since he took office in 2001. As soon as January 29th of
that year, he issued two formal mandates. "Christian" Bush's first order was
to federalize all religions, through scurrilous faith-based initiatives.
Even if true Christians appreciate the influx of money, they must realize
that this money comes equally from the religious taxpayer, the atheist
taxpayer, and, indeed, the Satanist taxpayer. Furthermore, after only three
years of state-sanctioned religiosity, the shadowy trade-off made is
becoming evident. Most people are aware that the inefficient method of
taxation and redistribution leads to corruption in America. Already, men
have been caught lining their pockets with faith-based money. Yet, even here
we see the project expanding. Bush's plan gives money to faith-based
institutions. This is because they have proven themselves much more
efficient in helping the needy. Haven't Republican Christians thought, the
reason the churches are better is because they hadn't been weighed down by
bureaucratic red-tape and fraud? Until now.
Did I mention that this show
of dictatorial power defies America's unique and enviable position of
separating church and state.
The most recent slew of
Executive Orders by King George II put into effect the federal intelligence
branch of government proposed by the "bipartisan" 9-11 Commission. This
stinks like the fast one pulled when the Neo-Cons passed the Patriot Act.
Only, this time our representatives can't say, "I passed it even though I
never read it." This time, Bush simply dictated an edict for which there is
no veto. These orders establish a Terrorist Czar (you know, to coordinate
the terrorism), a national intelligence center, federal identification
programs. Also, the E.O.'s will make sure no civil liberties are destroyed.
Yeah, right. You may think Bush is dumb. I think he is a master of
double-speak. It is interesting that the mainstream media has not dissected
these important orders, yet will spend hours on MJ's "Jesus juice" or days
on Scott Peterson's sexual predilections. I had to get info from the August
28th edition of the Chicago Tribune. Pathetic. Where is
Fox with my fair and balanced news? I guess 20 out of 24 hours should go to
hurricanes, even though the weather station is only one channel away. That
leaves no one to discuss the Executive Orders!
The right of U.S. Presidents
to issue proclamations has, unfortunately, been firmly established since
George Washington. Could this power given to an executive figure have been a
trick by the Freemason-infested Constitutional Congress, who ran off true
patriots such as Patrick Henry? Regardless, Washington's first order was
simply to have his officers give him a summary of America's situation after
her recent victory. Of course, it wasn't long before he issued a decree
stating he was justified in using military force against men who refused to
pay taxes, a la the Whiskey Rebellion. So, he used these men to fight
Britain with the "no taxation" battle cry. Then, he used his new power to
round up and punish, even behead, tax protestors!
Lincoln issued the first
official "executive order." His voluminous use of this power helped to
destroy the Union
invading a sovereign South, destroying State's Rights, and fraudulently
passing and enforcing the 14th Amendment.
King Bush II has used his
royal mandates to further infiltrate and more firmly ensconce the government
into the field of business. In particular, new regulations designed to
"help" Small Business and make it more creative have been ordered. Another
E.O. pertaining to economics is interesting. This one is simply entitled,
European Central Bank. In this one, Bush has allotted the European Central
Bank all the rights and privileges of the most privileged public companies,
while allowing it to retain the already exclusive rights that were earlier
conferred on the bank for not being public. A favor for cousins, I suppose.
In a March 3, 2003 Executive
Order, Bush ordered most Iraqi government assets to be transferred to the
Department of Treasury. This makes sense. Bush told us the Iraqis would pay
for their own reconstruction. Of course, $200 billion later, and it is only
the U.S. taxpayer who has invested in this great business venture. Should it
not be the taxpayer who sees the return, when and if this venture takes off?
And why can we not just use all these funds, confiscated from the country of
Iraq through Bush's E.O., to pay for the start-up costs? Did the Central
Bank of Iraq, and several other banks who had money stolen, er, confiscated
not have $200 billion? I find that hard to believe. Is there some connection
between these monetary seizures and the Pentagon's pilfering of over one
trillion in tax monies? Finally, where is all this money now?
Perusing the list of
Executive Orders, I notice that the King has created several new agencies,
commissions, and departments, diametrically opposed to his professed
conservative ideology. There is a new office for Global Communications. The
new Council on Civic Service and Participation will review "volunteer
service and civic participation for all." When will this council inform the
president that the only way to have everyone volunteer is to issue a new
decree, enforcing volunteerism. A Commission on the U.S. Postal Service, a
new board for labor disputes, and yet another emergency council, are but a
few of the offices President George W. Bush has created without setting it
to a vote.
Bush 43 is nothing, if not a
big spending, big government, Washington-Establishment liberal. For any
Texan who claims him, I say this. Look up "Scalawag" in the dictionary, and
you will find a picture of Bush.
Republicans are aware that
their President is on a federal spending spree. Often, they claim that it is
only the war on terror that has brought this about. Socialized prescription
drug coverage, farming subsidies, and most of the Executive Orders do not
paint such a picture. Republicans are also aware that Bush is in bed with
special interests. However, they believe he would not illegally return
favors. You are correct. He simply issues monarchical decrees, making the
favors completely legal.
Bush's Executive Orders do
not display necessity, nor do they enhance the American condition. In fact,
they are often in direct violation with conservative and constitutional
values. The Executive Order itself does not belong in a free society. One
man cannot decide the fate of all. By following in line with his
predecessors, including Clinton (much harassed by Republicans for using
executive order power), Bush has put himself forth as an elected monarch. In
many instances, he is simply raising himself to the level of king.
Beware, King George II. The
American people do not like despots, nor kings, nor tyrants. When Kings
issue decrees which are harmful to the people he serves, the people will
rebel. It is obvious for anyone with a brain to see that freedom-loving
Americans are on a collision course with an American Government gone wrong.