strange-looking streaks in the sky aren't your imagination. They
are anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals
being tested by the federal government. And the
public has been kept in the dark.
The Pentagon [and
possibly other federal government entities] is testing
anti-biological warfare agents, which produce the mysterious
"Chemtrails" that are appearing on an irregular basis in the
skies over many American cities, towns and rural areas.
An Air Force veteran, who while on
active duty was attached to the nation's top secret
National Security Agency (NSA), presents compelling
evidence that the Pentagon is using regular Air Force
and Air Force National Guard aircraft to
release anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals into the skies.
The chemtrails were detected some two
years ago over central Virginia. Since the original report,
thousands of people across the country have contacted this
newspaper [Virginia's
about the tell-tale streaks in the sky. Some casually look at
the "contrails," thinking they are from a plane's engine
exhausts condensing water vapor into a visible cloud
Unlike True Contrails
If you
closely watched the trails over an extended period
of time, you can tell they are unlike regular
aircraft contrails. The chemtrails do not rapidly
disperse. Instead they gradually spread out in a
lacy pattern, ultimately forming what appear to be
banks of clouds. |
after fanning out, the chemtrails can be readily spotted because
the banks of clouds are in straight lines across the sky as they
mesh together. Sometimes they turn an otherwise sunny day into
one that is overcast.
The former researcher said he believes
he has tracked the chemical spraying to the "unconventional
pathogen countermeasures program" of the top secret Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The agency has funded
laboratory studies and tests conducted by scientists at the
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor.
DARPA Director Lawrence H. Dubois
claims the agency is "not doing any large-scale or outdoor
testing" and he knows of "no evidence that [the chemical
substance] is being sprayed from aircraft by any agency of the
federal government."
Extensive Research
"After talking to friends
in Congress, government and medicine, I have been referred to
the University of Michigan and Dr. James Baker Jr., his
nanotechnology oil-water liquid-the same liquid developed by Dr.
Craig Wright, a scientist at Novavax Inc. in Columbia, Md.," the
researcher said. "I speak for thousands of American citizens who
are being sprayed by military aircraft and haven't a clue why
the government is spraying and lying to them. They are very
concerned in light of the present administration."
The researcher said the
government is planning for a biological attack against the
United States. Government officials have referred to such an
attack as "not if, but when."
A number of Third World
countries hostile to the United States as well as Russia and Red
China are involved in massive chemical and biological warfare
development programs.
The government and its
scientists claim that the chemicals being tested are harmless to
humans. This researcher disagrees.
"Certain illnesses
including pneumonia tracked the spraying effort across America
but the American people have not been told about the project,"
researcher said. "In fact, government agencies have deliberately
lied to the
citizens again and again.
"These aircraft trails
appear below 10,000 feet and do not act like ice crystals. Spray
from aircraft are observed cutting on and off as you would throw
a switch on the aircraft control panel. Grid patterns are
painted in the sky with 'X' and circles are also painted."
According to one
investigator, the oil in the substance being sprayed is
responsible for "rainbow-like" colorations that appear
frequently during the formation of the chemtrails. The "X" found
in an area being sprayed probably marks the areas for satellite
study of the dispersal patterns.
Government officials are
concerned about a biological attack against the United States
involving the use of the deadly disease anthrax, which several
countries, including Iraq and North Korea, are developing as a
biological weapon.
Government officials also
are concerned about the development of a pandemic outbreak of a
deadly flu, similar to the so-called Spanish flu that killed
tens of millions worldwide in 1918.
Recent outbreaks of a new
flu strain in Hong Kong, which appears to be transmitted by
chickens, has given rise to fears about a pandemic outbreak
developing and quickly sweeping across the globe.
As it turns out, the
chemical substance is being tested at the University of Michigan
under Baker's direction. Baker, a professor of internal
medicine, serves as director of the Center for Biologic
Nanotechnology at the university's medical school, which is
effective at countering flu viruses and anthrax spores.
The substance, called BCTP,
is a milky-white emulsion of tiny lipid drop lets suspended in
solvent developed by Wright, chief research scientist at Novavax.
Wright is also president of Novavax Biologics Division. Novavax
is a bio pharmaceuticals company.
BCTP is made of water,
soybean oil, Triton X 100 detergent and the solvent tri-n-butyl
phosphate. BCTP envelops the viruses and spores, causing them to
explode and thus destroying them upon contact.
Sources believe BCTP is being used as a countermeasure against
anthrax, deadly influenza and other potential biological
killers. If, for example, the government instituted a full-scale
anthrax vaccination program, the public would panic, a
researcher noted. This is particularly true in the wake of a
mandatory anthrax vaccination program instituted by the
military, he said.
Many critics are convinced
the military is using an unsafe vaccine. "I believe the
government is undertaking experiments with BCTP, a means of
countering an anthrax or other biological attack without anyone
being at
war," another researcher said. "It is, I think, a case of 'what
they don't know
won't hurt them-it may help them.'
"But the point is, you
don't experiment on the public without their knowledge and
consent, or at least that is the way it's supposed to be,... in
a democracy" he added.