My Friends, Take Heart,
Things Are Heating Up!
by Commander Hatonn via Nancy Tate
(Posted: April 3, 2005)

I just received this e-mail and decided to post it. NOTE: I have no idea if this is true or not; it could be a hoax or demonic channeling. It does have a positive message, and at least I let you know what's "out there". At the bottom of this article, I linked a few references from the Internet related to this, for your own research.
With love,
Wes Penre

* * *

I have some news for all of you, and I ask that you deliver it to the world. It is this:
Upon the close of this day there will be a stockpile of messages that will be delivered to the illuminati in the Commander Hatonnhighest of their ranks that will disclose the benefits to their stepping down from their alleged powers and surrender to the Federation. 
In the event that they don't there will be a worldwide clearing of their influence and they will find that the orders given in the name of their allegiance to the darkness will fall on deaf ears and be blown away to the seeds of change. 
In turn these seeds of change will take root in the hearts of man and will bear a crop of light that will shine around the world as the ascension finality that it is germinating.
You wish for us to give you details; that is forthcoming, to the extent that we are able. One point is that we have taken the liberty of dismantling all of the nuclear warheads on the planet and are as well taking away and dis-enabling all of the capability, even in potential of the manufacture of any nuclear weapons in the future.
Another thing that we have done is to sidestep the administrations of the governing forces of the entire planet and are interfacing the potential for peaceful governance for every nation of earth. There is in place a company of lightbearers who are ready to take their positions as we give the signal. 
This will bring the ones who have been versed in this divine way of governance a place from which to educate the people of earth in the ways of this divinity of governance. We see that this is to be a gradual clearing of the old fear-based governments with the new light-based governance. 
Allow the gradual change to come about through the acceptance of the new ideas, for it will take some time for the old programming to be replaced with the wisdom that lives within the heart and soul of every person who lives on Mother Earth.
Again, we tell you that with these new changes will come a whole new society on earth. This will be a welcome change to many, and to the rest it will take some time before their own light and wisdom is allowed to come forward and be comprehended.
As we go about our activities this day, we do so with a great deal of joy. We find that with this joy we are acting in our power of transmutation, and we point this out so that you may see the power you have in action. This is a fact of universal law that all activity done in joy and peacefulness and with love and gratitude bears the intended results.
Question: Many of us who are supporting this change are undergoing all kinds of ups and downs. Do you have something you can tell us to alleviate this anxiety and enable us to more peacefully endure this transition period?
Hatonn: My reply to this is in two-parts; the first being that which you have all heard before, and that is that it takes a glad heart to reap glad results. 
The next part of this reply is that you can bring those glad results to your heart by seeing the stamp of love upon everything that you do. Know that this is being taken care of in the highest way through the perseverance that you carry for us and for the action that is being taken. 
Know that we are employing the use of your talents and your innate wisdom in the work that we do, for with this there is being established a lightworker base from which the final throes of the illuminati will fall. 
Your place in all of this, though till now has been in the background so to speak, will come out in active participation in a very short time. When this happens then you will see what you have been doing behind the scenes and how it is going to affect your lives.
There is an old saying among those of us who have been watching and monitoring all of you and the activities you engage in. That is; there is nothing grander than seeing the fallen in action and seeing them rise to the occasion despite the odds. This is a lesson to all of us to persevere and bring to the table the best elixir of the senses that can come to the awareness of any sentient being.
Question: How does this all fit in now with the public First Contact.
Hatonn: This is the sequential part of the proceedings, depending on how the ones of the illuminati respond to our invitation to step down and reveal their ways of governance to have been for naught, to have been for their benefit only. 
In the event that the leaders of the illuminati do not take the initiative and declare their confession, there will be a standing down of the family from the Federation. When we say standing down, we mean that there will be a declaration by our constituents on earth that we are ready to take over the governance of the world powers and replace them with our own representatives who are already on earth, and in place to come forward.
This is the interim government that is spoken of in the law that was passed in the united states, and has been awaiting announcement. We will come to the surface of the earth in numbers that represent the necessity to bring about a swift and peaceful resolution to the tyranny that has besieged earth society for all these years and especially the past 100 years.
In the event that the illuminati leaders do not make their confession, we will come in numbers and the way will be clear for our course of action. When we come to earth and direct the employment of this new way of governance, it will be because the leaders of the present regime have not stepped down and given their confession before the world.
Either way we will be able to come to all of you in an open manner and be presented by the new leaders of governance as the peaceful, loving members of the Galactic Federation and representatives of the family of the Universe of which all of those on earth are surely a part.
So in a nutshell there are two choices; we see them confess and then we come with the interim announcement, or we come in numbers to show the people of the world who these illuminati are and what they have been doing. Either way, NESARA will be announced and implemented.
This is the beginning of a constant stream of updates from the various messengers who carry our energies. There will be a wave of information that will accelerate and fill the Internet with news and backing up with activities that will come forth across the television and other means of communication.
Thank you dear Commander Hatonn,
Love, Nancy Tate 

Nancy Tate


References to the information in the above article:

1. Commander Hatonn, The Phoenix Liberator

2. Lecture by Hatonn

3. G C Hatonn

4. Hatonn's Summary


6. The Galactic Federation

7. Nancy Tate's Website

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