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at the End of Time; Alchemical Secrets of
The Lord of the Rings By Jay Weidner and Sharron Rose
In the recently published book Mysteries
of the Great Cross at Hendaye; Alchemy and the End of Time, by
Jay Weidner and Vincent Bridges, a mysterious cross in the town of
Hendaye, in the south of France is deciphered. Built three hundred
fifty years ago by an alchemist, the Cross of Hendaye encodes
detailed knowledge of the Alchemical Revelation of the Four
While the exact details are to be found in that book, it can be
generally stated that the Cross of Hendaye reveals that the center
of the galaxy's alignment is a giant cosmological clock that marks
the quality of time, the precession of the equinoxes and the Four
Great Ages. A close reading of Tolkien's books reveals his obsession
with these Ages and in particular the transition from the Third Age
to the Fourth Age, the Age of Men, Machines and Power.
On the Winter Solstice of 2012, the center of the galaxy will
helically rise with the morning sun.
According to scholar John Major
Jenkins, this moment marks the end of the Mayan calendar.
3 Strangely enough, the Cross of Hendaye, also appears
to be indicating this same general time frame. Both of these
ancient chronological systems appear to find great importance
in the helical rising of the center of the galaxy in 2012. The
enigmatic French alchemist Fulcanelli, in his classic Le
Mystère Des Cathédrales unquestionably tells the reader
that the Cross of Hendaye is marking the end of the Iron Age,
the last of the Four Great Ages.
4 According to
ancient lore the Iron Age is an Age where the world turns to
steel, black magic becomes religion and Men lust for control
and dominion over both human beings and the very earth itself.
The earth, the air and the water become polluted. Wars,
famines, and plagues envelop the human race. Time itself
speeds up until exhausted, the world and the Age come to an
end and a new cycle begins. These are many of the events that
also occur at the end of each of the Second and Third Ages of
The Lord of the Rings for each is in essence a
microcosm of the entire cycle. Tolkien uses this concept of
the upheaval that occurs at the end of each Age as his
backdrop to the story of Frodo and the Ring.
These Four Ages according to Fulcanelli, the Cross of
Hendaye and many ancient texts, are mapped by the twelve signs
of the zodiac. Like the numbers on a clock the Golden Age
begins when the hand passes the twelve. The next age, or
Silver Age occurs when the hand passes three, the Bronze Age,
or Third Age, begins when the hand passes six and the Iron
Age, or last Age begins when the hand passes nine. Each of
these four quadrants is marked by one of the main signs of the
zodiac, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.
Perhaps this fact is not well known to all of you but the
twelve signs of the zodiac are actually marking the process
called the precession of the equinox. The earth is tilted in
space at 23 degrees. It wobbles slowly on its central axis
like a spinning top. This backward wobble is so slow that it
takes 72 years for it to pass through one degree of the
circumference of the wobble. In other words, if a certain star
such as Sirius was rising over a certain point, say a nearby
mountain peak on the day you were born, it would take 72 years
for the rising of Sirius to move one degree away from that
same point on that same day of the year.
The fact that the stars were not fixed in the heaven
but were slowly moving backwards is not only central to
understanding the alchemical thesis but was perhaps the greatest
single secret being taught in the mystery schools of Egypt, Greece
and India. The common exoteric knowledge was that the sky was fixed
and unchanging. But the adepts and esoteric masters knew that even
the heavens were in motion. Since the movement of the stars was so
slow the only possible way to map the precession of the equinoxes
was through many generations, each successive generation continued
this extensive and valuable work. Slowly, over many centuries, the
exact map of the precession of the equinoxes was drawn. These clever
priests/scientists/initiates had come to realize that it took an
enormous amount of time, approximately 26,000 years, to go through
one complete precession. So they divided up the nearly 26,000
yearlong cycle into twelve segments affixing a zodiacal 'month' to
every 2,160 years in each of the signs. Therefore, if you begin your
precession count at Aquarius it will take twelve times 2,160 or
25,920 years for Aquarius to return to its original position again.
The members of these ancient Mystery Schools also began noticing
that a change in the quality of time, i.e. which sign or zodiacal
'month' you were in, also caused a change on the surface of the
earth and in behavior patterns of humans, plants and animals. Being
part of an initiatic organization such as the priesthood or sacred
society, whose wisdom was handed down through a direct chain of
transmission from master to student, their rituals, studies and
training allowed them to be privy to an extraordinary body of
knowledge. This knowledge enabled them to commune with the forces of
nature and the more subtle beings of their reality. What we refer to
today as extra-sensory or paranormal abilities such as clairvoyance,
telekinesis, telepathy, and the capacity to journey in dreams and
visions across the planet, to the stars, into other dimensions and
even through the veils of time itself were as commonplace to them as
surfing the internet is to people of our modern world.
Using a combination of observation, meditation, contemplation and
discussion, the initiates of these Mystery Schools chronicled human
behavior patterns, plant cycles, animal behavior, and a sundry of
other physical, emotional and mental occurrences, signs and portents
that allowed them to recognize the unique nature, quality and
characteristics of each of the twelve signs. From their observations
they became aware that each place on the giant zodiacal clock
brought forth its own traits and manifestations just as high noon is
different than sunrise. They also noticed that at the cusp of the
four great signs these changes in behavior, growth, etc. were more
clearly pronounced. Indeed, it appeared to them that each of the
four aspects of this great cycle actually brought forth different
types of beings, different types of behavior. They also observed and
chronicled the changing relationship of humanity to the physical and
spiritual dimensions of reality noticing that as the Ages unfolded,
the world and its beings were actuality densifying. As a result of
this densification, with each successive Age, humanity began to
focus to a greater and greater extent on the material world and lose
touch with the more subtle realms of spirit. The knowledge accrued
from these observations eventually became known as the Sacred
Science of Alchemy.
Alchemical Drawing of the metals identified with the
planets |
To describe the unique qualities and attributes of each of these
Ages, these Sacred Scientists used the symbolic language of metals -
gold, silver, bronze and iron. Interestingly, these four metals gain
molecular density as they move from gold to iron. So it would seem,
according to this paradigm that as the Four Ages unfold, gravity is
increased and the packing of molecules becomes denser. And now, if
the Cross of Hendaye, the writings of Fulcanelli and the work of
John Major Jenkins, as well as our own research into Alchemy and
Tantra is correct, we are at the end of the Fourth Age, the Age of
Iron. But what does this really mean? Is it the literal 'end of the
world' as chronicled in mystical texts from the Book of
Revelations, to the Corpus Hermeticum of the alchemists,
to the Tantras of India, and the teachings of Shamanic
cultures throughout the world? Or does it indicate a time of great
change and renewal? If, the ultimate alchemical goal is the
transformation of lead into gold, then the end of the Iron Age can
only herald the dawn of the Golden Age. This is the Age when the
fulfillment of humanities true purpose on earth and the full
flowering of the primary vision of the Creator becomes manifest. For
as any alchemist will tell you, out of the depths of darkness comes
the greatest light.
Upon reading The Lord of the Rings, The
Silmarillion, and other works of J.R.R. Tolkien, it is clear
that these questions gave him much fuel for contemplation. There are
so many parallels between Tolkien's work and alchemical knowledge
that one cannot help but surmise that he must have been aware of
this ancient view of the Ages with its unique perspective on
creation, history and the pre-history of humanity and deftly wove it
into the very fabric of his tales.
His epic tale The Silmarillion presents Tolkien's
cosmology from the beginning of Creation to the Third Age of
Middle-Earth. The Lord of the Rings trilogy is really a
documentation of the transition from the Third Age to the Fourth.
According to the alchemical lore, the period that we consider
'history' equates with the beginning of the Fourth Age, or 6,500
years ago. Myths and legends that concern the events and experiences
that happened prior to this time period are said to have taken pace
in 'pre-history'. Tolkien states that imaginatively his 'history' is
supposed to take place in a period of the actual Old World of this
planet. 6 Interestingly, this is nearly the same time
that Tolkien dates the events that unfold in The Lord of the
|Part 1|Part
2|Part 3|Part
4|Part 5|Part
6|Part 7|