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Wycliffe Bible Translators,
John Mott
Rockefeller Connections:
2 Peter 2:1-3 "But
there were false prophets also among the people, even as
there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall
bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that
bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of
whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And
through covetousness shall they with feigned words make
merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time
lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth
In order to understand the
interconnectedness of the Rockefellers, Wycliffe and Cam
Townsend, and John Mott, one must understand that missions
became a pawn to gain global wealth and control. It should be
pointed out that many missionaries, while sincere Christians,
may not have understood the implications of how their ministry
was operated or who provided the funding and desired direction
they took. The desire for wealth and power is not restricted
to those mentioned in this article, like J. Howard Pew,
Nelson Bunker Hunt, but many more in the oil and commodities
industry and others who sought the same things Rockefeller
Authors Colby and Dennett, in
Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon, show how
John D. Rockefeller Jr. worked with John Mott and later how
Nelson Rockefeller and Wycliffe Bible Translators founder
Cameron Townsend, worked with the U.S. and foreign governments
to secure the resources and 'pacify' indigenous people in the
name of democracy, corporate profit, and religion, resulting
in massacre and genocide.
"In the name of
God, progress and the struggle of democracy against
communism, "Bibleless tribes" were pacified, oil lands and
strategic natural resources were secured, and lucrative
markets were developed. In the process, hundreds of
thousands of tribal people died and many more were uprooted
from their homelands....We see Rockefeller gathering
political power and building a vast business empire in Latin
America, working with the CIA, developing close friendships
with famous Latin American politicians and businessmen, and
increasingly advocating military dictatorships, while
Townsend's missionaries are used to pacify native
populations in frontiers rich in oil and rare minerals or
subject to guerrilla insurgencies. Seeking to hasten the
Second Coming, Townsend pursues a fanatical effort to reach
every Bibleless tribe with the Word, even to the point of
saving their souls by destroying their cultures and allying
with the dictators who oppress
This is really no
different than what was discussed in the article "What Happened in
Africa?". From Thy Will Be Done Acknowledgments :
p.xvi " ...In the Amazon basin countries, the conquest
followed the general trend of exploring for oil, rubber
[etc.]...and U.S. competition with other big powers...All this
was assisted by a foreign aid system which was gradually
crafted over thirty years by Nelson Rockefeller, beginning as
Roosevelt's Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs during World
War II and as Truman's foreign aid architect.
"The missionaries
came in on the cultural, social, and political side of the
conquest, their leader influenced by Rockefeller
philanthropies and a counterinsurgency network shaped by
Nelson Rockefeller's development goals. Summer Institute
of Linguistics (SIL) was hired by military dictatorships and
civilian governments, often headed by Nelson's allies, to
pacify the tribes and integrate them into national economics
increasingly being brought into the North American market.
SIL used the Bible to teach indigenous people to "obey the
government, for all authority comes from
God." "
The massacre and
genocide of, for example, the Indians of Cintas Largas, Brazil
for the land, minerals and wealth of the land was for the most
part officially ignored until 1968, although well documented
today. According to Colby and Dennett, "the disastrous impact
of missionary activity" remained officially ignored. 'in
reality those in command of these Indian Protections posts are
North American missionaries--they are in all the posts--and
they disfigure the original Indian culture and enforce
acceptance of Protestantism.' But officials of the American
Fundamentalist missionary organization that worked with SPI
[Service for the Protection of the Indian] among the
tribes---the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), known in
the United States by its less scientific alias, the Wycliffe
Bible Translators--denied that any genocide took place. The
head of SIL's branch in Brazil disclaimed all reports of
genocide, and the founder of SIL, William Cameron Townsend,
denied any knowledge of the massacres at all." [Colby,
It should be noted
that secular evaluation of Christian activities always carries
a certain amount of bias against what is done, particularly
the sharing of the Gospel, which is the mainstay of Biblical
obedience. There is a danger of condemning those who love the
Lord when evaluating the very ungodly associations and
practices entered into by some claiming to be of the
Our test of what is
true and right must be based on Biblical truth as well
as facts. We are to "Prove all things." Far to often
people hear the words Christian missionary and feel that they
are indeed supporting something of the Lord. Only God knows
hearts. However, as will be discussed, if someone becomes
Biblically disobedient in their endeavor to serve God, it must
be questioned if what they are doing actually is of
Although many verses remind us
to "be patient" and wait for God to work out His perfect plan,
often impatience causes a Christian to act in ways that are
contrary to Scripture. Impatience and being mindful of earthly
things may produce or reveal opportunities which seem to be of
God, but are not. Opportunities and open doors do not always
mean these are for us. We earnestly need to be heavenly
minded, checking that what is happening aligns with the
Scriptures that were provided so that we might know what God
would have us do. For example, dishonesty to further the
Gospel, no matter the desired end result, goes against the
Scriptures such as:
Romans 12:17 "Recompense to no
man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of
all men."
2 Corinthians 8:21 "Providing
for honest things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also
in the sight of men."
1 Peter 2:12 "Having your
conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they
speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works,
which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's
sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;"
2 Corinthians
"And what concord
hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth
with an infidel?
SIL was founded
in 1934, although Cam
Townsend originally encountered difficulties in being allowed
to proselytize. The endorsement by Dr. Frank Tannenbaum of
Columbia University, gave Townsend the in he needed with the
Mexican authorities. Tannenbaum had conducted studies
sponsored by the Social Science Research Council and the
Brookings Institution-a liberal think-tank--both of
which were Rockefeller funded.
See: The
Council for National Policy Selected Organization/Media/Project
Index >
"Woe unto you, when
all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to
the false prophets."
Whether it was misguided zeal,
pride, impatience for God to work, or calculated Biblical
disobedience, Cam started SIL under pretense and deceit,
gaining entrance to Mexico, for example, by having his
students claiming to be linguistic investigators rather than
missionaries whose goal was to translate the Bible into native
By joining the liberal
Linguistic Society of America, which became the official
sponsor of Townsend's group, Cam was able to funnel donations
from mission agencies to WBT, so the appearance and
knowledge of their being missionaries was kept hidden. [Colby,
p. 65-69] Later,
Inter-American Scientific Congress would be described by
Townsend's followers as the birthplace of the Summer
Institute of Linguistics (SIL). It was also the birthplace
of SIL's active collaboration with Rockefeller allies."
[Colby, p.67-68]
The third 'Camp Wycliffe',
precursor of WBT, found the missionaries put on salaries to
then Mexican President Cardenas. Two of the original ten
missionaries refused, offended that they were to be working
for a 'self-declared' "revolutionary" government, with the
emphasis on linguistics rather than their missionary goals,
which goal was to remain hidden.
"[Cam's] recruits
were being told that they were working for the Mexican
government, and under an alleged Communist party
sympathizer, at that. "[Colby, p.
It was through the
Linguistic Society of America that Cam entered the
"Rockefeller-funded world of indigenismo, an
international movement of liberal anthropologists and other
social scientists in the Americas." "The penchant for social
engineering...peaceful integration, respect for Indian
culture, reforms in education..." [Colby, p.67-68]
2 Corinthians 6:14
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for
what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and
what communion hath light with
The collaboration
with Rockefeller allies lead to what many later viewed as an
attack on Native culture and the forced acceptance of
Protestantism, with the World Council of Churches and
anthropologists, who were Cam's former allies, providing
studies to that effect.
In Thy Will be
Done, authors Colby and Dennett wrote, "Nelson
[Rockefeller] knew, as did much of the nation, that Barry
Goldwater had refused to disavow support for the ultrarightist
John Birch Society. He also knew...that Goldwater and the
Birch Society were both heavily funded by J. Howard Pew, owner
of one of Standard Oils major rivals, the Sun Oil Company."
[Colby, p. 453-454] Wycliffe Bible Translators received
large funds of money from Nelson Rockefeller, Crowell Trust
[Quaker Oats], the Glenmeade Trust [Pew] and the Lilly
Foundation, the liberal Ford Foundation and others. [p.
2 Corinthians 6:15
"And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath
he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement
hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of
the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and
walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
Eventually, some countries officially
called for the expulsion of SIL missionaries, although,
unofficially in many cases, they were allowed to stay. Part of
the problem which resulted in SIL's later public denunciation
lay with groups such as the CIA using missionaries as
informants. Although against policy, some collaborated with
the CIA, and in some cases, it's counterinsurgency survey's in
such places, for example, as Vietnam. Some documented data
about various people groups collected by SIL and other mission
groups was given to the CIA database. Documentation reveals a
pattern of SIL helping various dictatorships or military
governments control the 'natives' in return for furthering
Townsend's goal of getting Bibles to all tribes, believing he
was ushering in the return of Christ. Sara Diamond wrote in
Spiritual Warfare,
"Over the years,
WBT/SIL's close relationship with U.S. government officials
and allied foreign leaders has earned the missionaries a
reputation as "assets" of the CIA. In the Philippines in the
early 1950's, for example, WBT/SIL representative Richard
Pittman befriended Ramon Magsaysay, the politician the CIA
promoted after it's defeat of the Huk guerrillas. Once
Magsaysay was installed as Philippine president, he awarded
WBT/SIL a contract to work on the
islands. [It should be noted that the Rockefellers fund a
Magsaysay Scholarship]
In Vietnam during
the early 1960's, when the CIA trained the indigenous
Montagnards to fight the Vietnamese National Liberation
Front, it was the Summer Institute of Linguistics, with a
grant form the U.S. Agency for International Development
(AID), [a CIA funded front] that supplied ethnographic
information to U.S. forces and trained the Montagnards to
read and write. To practice their reading skills, the CIA
gave the new literates booklets on how to use M-16 rifles
and blow up bridges.
"...Wycliffe serves
an ideological function that is decidedly conservative and
pro-capitalist. In Mexico...the translators in 1978 prepared
a dictionary for the Tzotzil people of Mayan Indian
ancestry...WBT/SIL's Tzotzil-Spanish dictionary eliminated
the Spanish and indigenous words for ideological concepts
that threaten the status quo: class, community, conquer,
exploitation, bossy, oppression, repression, revolution,
revolutionary, rebellion..." [Diamond, p.
Cam Townsend had been won over
to the modernist thought long before WBT emerged. Townsend,
although apparently accepting God's Word in the Bible without
question, owed his beliefs to his father. Pursuit of the
Promised Land, and belief of his Bible, "and a stubborn belief
that honesty, temperance and a prairie-born populist justice
would somehow, someday, prevail." were instilled in Cam.
However, the Promised Land is not of this world and the
concept that "populist justice" would prevail, echoes the
concept of Dominionist theology, as is the idea of "ushering
in the Second Coming of Christ.".
2 Corinthians 6:17 Wherefore
come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the
Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive
Thy Will Be Done,
reveals that the real source of Cam
Townsend's inspiration and beliefs was John Mott.
But in spite of Cam's
lifelong reverence for the Word, his work had come under
growing scrutiny by his mission elders over the past five
years. Locked in battle with modernists abroad as well as
at home, Cam's fundamentalist superiors were doubtful
about his doctrinal purity. [p. 42]
And they had reason to
be.... Even his inspiration for becoming a missionary had
been John Mott. Mott had delivered a passionate speech
before Cam and other students at Occidental College on
"evangelizing the world in this generation." [pp.
In 1930, The Laymen's Foreign
Missions Inquiry, convened by John D. Rockefeller Jr. and John
Mott, surveyed Asia and issued a report in 1932 entitled,
Rethinking Missions. Rethinking Missions
provided the beginnings of "contextualizing" the Gospel, and
the concept that the focus of missions should be on day to day
living and through secular education, health improvement to
make good workers and so on.
"Rethinking Missions
recommended reforms that few Fundamentalists could accept:
an end to segregation from Asian cultures and appreciation
of elements in Asian faiths that were kindred to Christ's
message; more quiet lessons of examples and programs in
education, medicine, and agriculture and less evangelical
proselytizing; more cooperation and efficiency to reduce the
wasteful overlap of programs; and most important, a gradual
transfer of power to indigenous churches.
'....another young
Fundamentalist missionary could understand Mott's call for
indigenous control over institutions founded by foreign
missionaries. And he had learned the values of the
Rockefeller philanthropies for his own mission. In the years
ahead, he would ally himself with Bell, his funder, J.
Howard Pew of Sun Oil Company (SUNOCO) and Billy
Graham to build
America's largest and most politically controversial
missionary organization, the Summer Institute of
Linguistics...[He was] inadvertently serving the interests
of Nelson Rockefeller as "the Apostle of the Lost
Tribes." [Colby p.40]
The man was William Cameron
Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators (WBT), which
was known internationally as the Summer Institute of
Linguistics (SIL). Townsend's associations did not end with
the Rockefellers and John Mott, nor did SIL's, as we've seen they are
officially Partnered with UNESCO.
In 1967, CNP's
Nelson Bunker Hunt provided Cameron
Townsend, property in Dallas for a new international
translation center for Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)
and the Wycliffe Bible Translators. Hunt also funded CNP's
who sat on Wycliffes' board..
"Ed McAteer, was
the...real organizing force behind the politicized
Fundamentalist movement. McAteer had the glib tongue of his
profession, substituting Christ for soap in his market
analysis. He was more than a friend of Cam Townsend; he was
a major figure on the board of Wycliffe Associates, which
was now a powerhouse of resources for SIL, providing it and
JAARS [Jungle Aviation & Radio Service founded by
Townsend in 1963] with construction skills, money, promotion
and overnight stays for furloughed translators on
fund-raising tours. In return, testimonies from returned
translators, films, books, and slide shows parlayed
surrogate travels around the world for suburban believers.
Special trips to the jungle bases allowed the more affluent
faithful actually to partake in adventure for God. The sheer
human energy amassed by wealthy SIL backers like North
Carolina's James A. Jones, one of the largest contractors
for military bases in Vietnam, and oilman Nelson Bunker Hunt
of Texas. "Bunker Hunt had helped me considerably," McAteer
freely offered.
"Wycliffe Associates' "500
Club" was designed to offer the richer members a way out of
service through cash; $500 or more each year was all it took
to get a special certificate of membership. Some gave much
more. Texas's corporate leaders were prominent in helping
Cam build SIL's International Linguistics Center near
Dallas; the Linguistics Center's board meeting was one of
those special occasions where a Rockefeller business partner
like Trammel Crow could rub shoulders with an ultrarightist
like Nelson Bunker Hunt. But they were the old core of
supporters. The real power in the Wycliffe Associates was
its thousands of newer members, spreading the influence of
SIL across the country, and the influence of Wycliffe
Associates in Cam's organization.
"Promoting and leading this
base of support into politics was McAteer's forte. During
the Carter administration, his name began to appear among
New Right circles in Washington, D.C., connected with North
Carolina's Senator
Helms. It was McAteer
who brought Jerry
Falwell into this crowd, helping Falwell build the Moral
Majority. Then, in 1979, McAteer organized the Religious
Roundtable. Well-funded, McAteer pulled together many of
the Fundamentalist leaders of the nation to back the
candidacy of Ronald Reagan. Cam was on of those who followed
McAteer into the founding meeting of the Religious
Roundtable...Cam's base of support in the homeland and his
top financial backers left him little choice. He was, at the
end of his career, trapped by the Far Right Fundamentalist
base on which he had built Wycliffe's success at home...."
[Colby &
Dennett, pp 570, 804-5]
See: Major Donors to
SIL/WBT to see some of the many corporate donors who had a
financial stake in SIL's opening the door for their
ventures. The Apostle
Peter wrote:
2 Peter 2:1 But there were
false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be
false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in
damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them,
and bring upon themselves swift destruction. 2 And many
shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the
way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 3 And through
covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise
of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and
their damnation slumbereth not. 4 For if God spared not
the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and
delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto
judgment; 5 And spared not the old world, but saved Noah
the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in
the flood upon the world of the ungodly; 6 And turning
the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them
with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that
after should live ungodly; 7 And delivered just Lot,
vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: 8 (For
that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and
hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their
unlawful deeds;) 9 The Lord knoweth how to deliver the
godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the
day of judgment to be punished:
Next Section: John Mott
Previous Section:
Skeletons in the Closet ~ Rockefeller
Colby, Gerard & Charlotte
Dennett, Thy Will be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon:
Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil,
Harper Collins, 1995.
Diamond, Sara. Spiritual
Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right, MA: South
End Press, 1988.
42. Cairns, Earle E.,
Christianity Through the Centuries: A History of the
Christian Church, p. 490, Zondervan Publishing
House, Revised Edition, 1970, orig. 1954
43. Eugene A. Nida; Bible
Translations: An Analysis of Principles and Procedures, with
Special Reference to Aboriginal Languages; p.50-51; N.Y.
Publisher, American Bible Society. 1947
45. The Greek New
Testament, The Fourth revised edition. Editors: Barbara
Aland & Kurt Aland; Johannes Karavidopoulos, Carlo
M. Martini, Ruth M. Metger; Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, United
Bible Societies, Stuttgart, Germany, 1994.
Patrick, James R.,
Research Manual: America 2000/Goals 2000,
Citizens for Academic Education, 1994
Brzezinski , Zbigniew, Power
& Principle: Memoirs of the National Security Advisor,
1977-1981, New York: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1983, p.
Brzezinski , Zbigniew, BETWEEN
Press, 1971; reprinted edition, Greenwood Press, Westport,
Connecticut, 1982
Spenner, Joe, Rockefeller--
Regionalism The Shadow Behind Oregon's LCDC, 1992
Copyright . All articles are the
sole property of and Vicky Dillen
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