// Script will bail out after this many milliseconds.
var timeout = 2000;
var start = new Date();
start = start.getTime();
var redirect = new RegExp("^http://www\\.amazon\\.(com|ca|co\\.jp|de|fr|co\\.uk)/(exec/obidos|o)/redirect", "i");
var asin = new RegExp("^http://www\\.amazon\\.(com|ca|co\\.jp|de|fr|co\\.uk)/(exec/obidos|o)/ASIN\\d?/\\w{10}/(ref=nosim/)?([^/?]+)", "i");
var isbn = new RegExp("^http://www\\.amazon\\.(com|ca|co\\.jp|de|fr|co\\.uk)/(exec/obidos|o)/ISBN=\\w{10}/(ref=nosim/)?([^/?]+)A", "i");
var mp = new RegExp("^http://www\\.amazon\\.(com|ca|co\\.jp|de|fr|co\\.uk)/gp/associates/link-types/marketplace", "i");
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
var imp = {};
var orgUnit = {
'com' : 1,
'ca' : 15,
'co.jp' : 9,
'de' : 3,
'fr' : 8,
'co.uk' : 2
var ccmid = {
'as2' : '374929',
'-as2' : '9325',
'as3' : '373489',
'am2' : '374925',
'-am2' : '9325',
'am3' : '373493'
var camp = '211189';
var timeoutReached = false;
// Do not decorate links in unsupported browsers
var amazonTreatment = false;
var agent = new String(navigator.userAgent);
if (agent.match(/(MSIE.*Windows|Firefox|Netscape|Windows.*Gecko)/))
// Set treatment cookie if it's not already set
if (amazon_getcookie('amazon_vf') == null)
var randy = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? 'on' : 'off';
amazon_setcookie('amazon_vf', randy);
// Read treatment cookie
amazonTreatment = (amazon_getcookie('amazon_vf') == 'on') ? true : false;
for (var i=0; i < allLinks.length; i++)
// Check if it's an Amazon redirect link
var href = new String(allLinks[i].href);
var results;
if (results = href.match(redirect))
var locale = results[1];
// Change link code to impression-tracked version
if (href.match(/link_code=asn/))
var code = ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment) ? 'as3' : 'as2';
href = href.replace(/link_code=asn/, 'link_code=' + code);
href = href.replace(/creative=\d+/, 'creative=' + ccmid[code]);
href = href.replace(/camp=\d+/, 'camp=' + camp);
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
else if (href.match(/link_code=asm/))
var code = ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment) ? 'am3' : 'am2';
href = href.replace(/link_code=asm/, 'link_code=' + code);
href = href.replace(/creative=\d+/, 'creative=' + ccmid[code]);
href = href.replace(/camp=\d+/, 'camp=' + camp);
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
else if (href.match(/link_code=ure/))
href = href.replace(/link_code=ure/, 'link_code=ur2');
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, 'ur2');
else if (href.match(/link_code=as2/))
// Existing as2 link
var code = 'as2';
if ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment)
code = 'as3';
href = href.replace(/link_code=as2/, 'link_code=as3');
href = href.replace(/creative=\d+/, 'creative=' + ccmid[code]);
href = href.replace(/camp=\d+/, 'camp=' + camp);
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, '-as2', -1);
else if (href.match(/link_code=am2/))
// Existing am2 link
var code = 'am2';
if ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment)
code = 'am3';
href = href.replace(/link_code=am2/, 'link_code=am3');
href = href.replace(/creative=\d+/, 'creative=' + ccmid[code]);
href = href.replace(/camp=\d+/, 'camp=' + camp);
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, '-am2', -1);
else if (!href.match(/link_code=/) && href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/))
href = href + '&link_code=ur2&camp=' + camp + '&creative=9325';
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, 'ur2');
// Check if it's an old-style ASIN link
else if (results = href.match(asin))
var locale = results[1];
var code = ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment) ? 'as3' : 'as2';
// Replace ASIN handler with redirect
href = href.replace(/ASIN\d?\/(\w{10})\/(ref=nosim\/)?([^\/\?]+).*/i, 'redirect?tag=$3&creative=' + ccmid[code] + '&camp=' + camp + '&link_code=' + code + '&path=ASIN/$1');
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = results[4];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
// Check if it's a really-old-style ISBN link
else if (results = href.match(isbn))
var locale = results[1];
var code = ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment) ? 'as3' : 'as2';
// Replace ISBN handler with redirect
href = href.replace(/ISBN=(\w{10})\/(ref=nosim\/)?([^\/\?]+)A.*/, 'redirect?tag=$3&creative=' + ccmid[code] + '&camp=' + camp + '&link_code=' + code + '&path=ASIN/$1');
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = results[4];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
// Check if it's an old-style marketplace link
else if (results = href.match(mp))
var locale = results[1];
var code = ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment) ? 'am3' : 'am2';
// Replace marketplace handler with redirect
var mpTarget = new RegExp('/gp/associates/link-types/marketplace\\.html\\?asin=(\\w{10})&(amp;)?t=([^/]+)');
href = href.replace(mpTarget, '/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=$3&creative=' + ccmid[code] + '&camp=' + camp + '&link_code=' + code + '&path=tg/stores/offering/list/-/$1/all/$1');
var mpTarget = new RegExp('/gp/associates/link-types/marketplace\\.html\\?t=([^&]+)&(amp;)?asin=(\\w{10})');
href = href.replace(mpTarget, '/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=$1&creative=' + ccmid[code] + '&camp=' + camp + '&link_code=' + code + '&path=tg/stores/offering/list/-/$3/all/$3');
allLinks[i].href = href;
var tag = href.match(/tag=([^&]+)/)[1];
imp = amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code);
if (amazonTreatment && (locale == 'com'))
// Have we gone over our time limit?
var now = new Date();
now = now.getTime();
if (now > (start + timeout))
timeoutReached = true;
var tagID;
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
for (var i=0; i < scripts.length; i++)
var source = new String(scripts[i].src);
var tagIDObj;
if (tagIDObj = source.match(/link-enhancer.*\?tag=([^&]+)/))
tagID = tagIDObj[1];
if (amazonTreatment)
var total = 0;
// Send data to impression recorder via img tags
for (var locale in imp)
var tld = (locale == 'co.jp') ? 'jp' : locale;
for (var tag in imp[locale])
// Record the fact that this script was served.
var tc = ((locale == 'com') && amazonTreatment) ? 'pv3' : 'pv2';
for (var code in imp[locale][tag])
var link_code = new String(code);
link_code = link_code.replace(/^-/, '');
total += imp[locale][tag][code];
if (timeoutReached)
function amazon_logImpression(imp, locale, tag, code, count)
if (!count)
count = 1;
if (imp[locale])
if (imp[locale][tag])
if (imp[locale][tag][code])
imp[locale][tag][code] = imp[locale][tag][code] + count;
imp[locale][tag][code] = count;
imp[locale][tag] = {};
imp[locale][tag][code] = count;
imp[locale] = {};
imp[locale][tag] = {};
imp[locale][tag][code] = count;
return imp;
// Attach product data to the link
function amazon_enhanceLink(link)
if (!link.name)
if (link.href.match(redirect))
var href = new String(link.href);
var results = href.match(/ASIN\/(\w{10})/);
if (!results)
results = href.match(/offering\/list\/-\/(\w{10})/);
if (results)
if (href.match(/link_code=as3/))
link.name = 'evtst|a|' + results[1];
else if (href.match(/link_code=am3/))
link.name = 'evtst|a|' + results[1];
// Change the style of the link to a dashed underline.
function amazon_decorateLink(link)
link.style.textDecoration = 'none';
var children = link.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++)
// Apply dashed underline to non-image elements within the link.
if (children[i].nodeName == '#text')
var span = amazon_textToSpan(children[i]);
link.replaceChild(span, children[i]);
span.style.borderBottom = '1px dashed';
else if (children[i].nodeName != 'IMG')
if (children[i].style)
children[i].style.borderBottom = '1px dashed';
// Use events to change decoration on mouseover/mouseout.
amazon_addEvent(children[i], 'mouseover', amazon_mouseover, false);
amazon_addEvent(children[i], 'mouseout', amazon_mouseout, false);
function amazon_textToSpan(textNode)
var span = document.createElement('span');
var textNodeCopy = document.createTextNode(textNode.nodeValue);
return span;
// Change link decoration on mouseover (cross-browser)
function amazon_mouseover(event)
// In IE, it's srcElement.
var target = (event.target) ? event.target : event.srcElement;
var link = target.parentNode;
var children = link.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++)
// Apply solid underline to non-image elements within the link.
if (children[i].nodeName != 'IMG')
children[i].style.borderBottom = '1px solid';
// Change link decoration on mouseout (cross-browser)
function amazon_mouseout(event)
// In IE, it's srcElement.
var target = (event.target) ? event.target : event.srcElement;
var link = target.parentNode;
var children = link.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++)
// Apply dashed underline to non-image elements within the link.
if (children[i].nodeName != 'IMG')
children[i].style.borderBottom = '1px dashed';
// Cross-browser event attachment interface.
function amazon_addEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture)
if (obj.addEventListener)
obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture);
return true;
else if (obj.attachEvent)
var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn);
return r;
// Cookie functions
function amazon_getcookie(name)
var re = new RegExp(name + "=([^;]+);?");
var results = re.exec(document.cookie);
return results ? results[1] : null;
function amazon_setcookie(name, value)
// Cookie will expire in a year
var d = new Date;
d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1);
var host = document.location.host;
var domain = host.replace(/^www\./, '');
document.cookie = name + '=' + value + ';domain=.' + domain + ';path=/;expires=' + d.toGMTString();