The Moneychangers Exposed at Last!! Rome, Rothschild, Rockefeller...usury...usury...usury.
MONEY is the lifeblood of civilization and USURY is the poison that kills it just like vaccination poisons human blood!! Definition of terms for this exposé.
Interest is legalized USURY as long as it is done in MODERATION....Govermental decrees fix the maximum interest rates and anything above that is considered USURY. That is like a governmental decree that makes stealing legal as long as it is done in MODERATION and then calling it borrowing or acquiring or some less offensive term. Nachash is the Hebrew word for SERPENT from which nashak the word for usury is derived. There was no specific Hebrew word for money as silver was considered money. The Law of Moses strictly prohibited usury.
Usury is condemned in the Bible; usury was condemned among pagan nations and usury was condemned by the early church. The moneychangers HATED the word USURY and they tried to drive it out of the dictionary. Here is their modern definition of USURY: 1.The practice of lending money and
charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or
illegally high rate. Interest on loans is condemned in modern bibles!! The fact of the moneychangers driving usury out of the dictionary presented a monumental problem for the modern "bible" translators:
The Revised Standard Version is the approved Roman Catholic translation. Usury was condemned by the early church and even the Council of Nicaea which was presided over by Pope Constantine issued a sanction against it:
The Vatican invented "Jews" as a smokescreen for usury. Since usury was prohibited by the early church this left the money loving Vatican in a terrible dilemma. Officially they condemned usury in the most stringent terms but behind the scenes they found a way to circumvent it. Their answer was to invent Jews and use them as a smokescreen for their money lending. This way the popes could continue to act pious and let the Jews take the rap for the loan sharking. Finding fake Jews was no problem for Rome. Centuries before Christ, the Samaritans were pretending to be Jews. One of the most infamous Samaritans was Simon the Sorcerer who tried to buy the Holy Spirit from St. Peter. This Simon later went to Rome and was the actual founder of what later evolved into Roman Catholicism. God permitted usury to destroy the Canaanites!! In the Old Testament, Moses mentions one case in which usury was permitted:
Since usury was forbidden to strangers we must look closely at the Scriptures to see what Moses is talking about:
Scripture does not contradict Scripture and the answer is very simple. Satan raised up 7 utterly corrupt nations of GIANTS called Canaanites that barred the way to the Promised Land. Joshua was told to make war and utterly destroy them. This war went on for centuries until they were finally destroyed at the time of King David (1,000 B.C.). These nations were the strangers that Moses permitted the Israelites to exact usury. Usury was economic warfare to pauperize and destroy their economy so that they could not afford to wage war against the Israelites:
Martin Luther and all the German Reformers condemned usury.
The Heidelberg Catechism on the 8th Commandment. Question: What does God forbid by the 8th Commandment -- "thou shalt not steal"? Answer: God forbids not only those [a] thefts, and [b] robberies, which are punishable by the magistrate; but he comprehends under the name of theft all wicked tricks and devices, whereby we design to [c] appropriate to ourselves the goods which belong to our neighbor: whether it be by force, or under the appearance of right, as by unjust [d] weights, ells, [e] measures, fraudulent merchandise, false coins, [f] usury, or by any other way forbidden by God; as also all [g] covetousness, all abuse and waste of his gifts "(The Heidelberg Catechism). The Swiss Guard the Vatican's gold and silver. The Reformation was playing havoc with the Vatican's wealth and her illegal gain through usury. Luther attacked the pope and the bellies of the monks. Something had to be done to stop this hemorrhage. It was about that time that a champion appeared to save usury and the pope's revenues. His name was John Calvin. John Calvin was a French Roman Catholic convert to Protestantism. In the year 1534, at the young age of 25, Calvin started writing his famous Institutes of the Christian Religion. Like Ignatius LIEola he was arrested by the Inquisition in France but managed to escape and finally ended up in Geneva, Switzerland in the year 1536. Calvin also wrote commentaries on all the books of the Bible. Here is a small sample of the pro usury writings of this double-minded man:
John Calvin, a Roman dupe, traveled to Geneva Switzerland and started to write pro usury commentaries in order to guard the pope's usury revenues. He is a hero of millions of Protestants who follow his 5 points of Calvinism regarding predestination, election etc.,etc. U.S. Constitution gave us sound Biblical money. The founders of the U.S. gave the people real money of silver and gold. In the Coinage Act of 1792, the basic unit of currency was the dollar and dollar was defined as 371 1/4 grains of fine silver. That much silver was to constitute a dollar. Each dollar was a unit. All other money was to be counted from this unit of a silver dollar. Hence dimes, quarters and half dollars were fractional parts of the dollar. Gold was made money by measuring it from this basic unit of a silver dollar. The ration was fixed at 15 to I, and in 1834 the ratio was fixed at 16 to 1. This was the law of money up to 1873. The amount of silver in the dollar never changed during all this time. Silver was considered the money of the people while gold was considered the money of the rich.
In 1873 Silver was assassinated. On Feb. 12, 1973, Congress revised the coinage laws. By a simple stroke of the pen, silver was assassinated. The U.S. went on a gold standard and silver was demonetized except for payments under $5.00. A gold dollar became the unit of value and free coinage of silver was ended. Soon after the entire world demonetized silver and most nations went on a monometallic or gold standard. England had already demonetized silver in 1816 which paved the way for the gold standard and the fake money paper usury system that dominates the world today.
With half the world's money supply demonetized, gold became an even more precious commodity and an item to be hoarded. Tons of it left the United States. The death of silver led to the fake money or paper system and usury on a colossal scale. The Federal Reserve System is usury on a Titanic scale. One Rock dollar. This is not a U.S. dollar -- the Federal Reserve is a private bank!! The Federal Reserve System is composed of 12 private banks which create money out of nothing and then lend it to the U.S. government at usury. It is the most colossal system of usury and fraud that has ever been invented by that old serpent the devil. It was founded by Rockefeller in 1913. In the ancient world the usurer quickly became owner of most of the country and had all the silver and gold. Then the peasants became slaves or revolted. Under the paper system, the final collapse can be postponed by printing more fake money. Inflation is the handmaid of the paper system. It is economic warfare and more deadly than an invading army because it comes from the enemy within. Editor's Notes The Coinage Act of 1792 made the SILVER DOLLAR the UNIT. The UNIT is ONE. All other coins are measured from this UNIT:
Gold was measured from this SILVER DOLLAR or UNIT:
As an excuse for their evil usury, the moneychangers often charge that usury (or interest as they call it) is essential for a successful economy. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH. The nation of Israel became the wealthiest in the world by forbidding usury:
Abraham, the Father of the Faithful, became a rich man by working and trading . . . not by being slothful and lazy like the moneylenders and bankers who let their money work for them: "And Abraham was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold" (Genesis 13:2). Vital Links Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible Look up every word in Hebrew and Greek Bible Look up several different translations Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition. The Smalcald Articles by Dr. Martin Luther Papal Bull against usury After Calvin, Jews and Protestants would be used as a smokescreen for usury!! References Blackstone, Sir William, Commentaries on the Laws of England, (W.C. Jones, Editor), Baton Rouge, 1915 & Claitor's 1976.) Cleary, Rev. Patrick, The Church and Usury, The Christian Book Club of America, Palmdale, CA. (Presented to the Theological Faculty of St. Patrick's College, Maynooth, Ireland as a thesis for the Degree of Doctor). Elliott, Calvin, Usury, A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View, The Anti-Usury League, Millersburg, Ohio, 1902. Harvey, William H., Coin's Financial School, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MASS, 1963. Harvey, William H., The Book, Mundis Pub., Co., Rogers, Arkansas, 1930. Hunt, Dave, What Love is This? Calvinism's Misrepresentation of God, Loyal Publishing Co.,Sisters, OR, 2002. Mooney, S. C.,Usury: Destroyer of Nations, Theopolis Pub., Warsaw, Ohio, 1988. Sutton, Anthony, C., The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, CPA Book Publishers, Boring, Oregon, 1995. Walbert, M. W., The Coming Battle: A Complete History of the National Banking Money Power in the U.S, Chicago, W.B. Conkey Co., 1899. Vance, Lawrence M., The Other Side of Calvinism, Vance Publications, Pensacola, FL, 1999. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||