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Media |
Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of a
nation' Posted on
Wednesday, December 10 @ 10:21:03 EST
Corporate Media Propaganda and
its Weapons of Mass Distraction
By Manuel
He who controls the media controls
the masses. Today, America's media is controlled
exclusively by fewer than a dozen multinational
conglomerates and their many interests. NewsCorp, AOL,
Viacom, General Electric, Disney and others have formed
a media oligarch that reaches into every American home
and most every citizen. These few omnipresent entities
hold as paramount the belief in assuring for themselves
perpetual loyalty from as many of the masses as
possible. Revenue and profit, corporate growth and
power, executive pay and ego, these are all determined
by us, the masses, and helps explain why the oligarchy
has decided to invest and take an interest in all forms
of media that reaches and influences us.
We are
the lifeblood of the conglomerate, of vital importance,
and, as such, it is in its best interest to control as
much of our lives as possible, transforming us into
obedient servants of obliviousness. Is it no
coincidence, then, that the United States has become a
nation whose masses no longer question authority or the
propaganda that passes for news? Is it any wonder why we
seem so ignorant as to what is being done to us and
incurious as to what is happening in the world, readily
and naively accepting as true everything that is spewed
out of our televisions and newspapers? We have allowed
the oligarchy to hide the keys of democracy while we
carelessly follow it on the road to fascism, where the
elite have control of all aspects of our lives,
including our mind.
We live at a time
when capitalism's inner demons are beginning to be
exhumed from the catacombs of the human ego, when love
for the almighty dollar and her sister greed blinds
those basking in the hypnotizing light of greenbacks and
materialism. This phenomenon, combined with the
addictions spurred by power and pomposity, has created
in the last several decades a need by the powerful elite
to manipulate and condition the masses; to transform and
mold us into subservient drones that neither think,
question, participate or demand.
Through the use
of the television -- the most influential instrument of
control and propaganda in present day America ñ
conglomerates can direct and sway public opinion on
virtually every subject they see fit. The television has
become an opiate for the masses and a conduit from where
conglomerates can dictate how society thinks, acts and
evolves. Our habits and ethics are manipulated, our
ideas and beliefs distorted. We are but pawns in a game
of corporate capitalism played by a few elites whose
economic interests lie in making us docile, conformist
and oblivious creatures of mediocrity ingrained with the
need to shop and consume. The system instills a sense of
paralysis, isolation and uniformity among the masses. We
are assimilated to conform to society, to incorporate
how the oligarchy wants us to live. The derailment of
democracy as we know it is the end result of the reality
we are presently experiencing.
As captives to
their propaganda, our ears become theirs, our mouths
spout their distortions and our minds contemplate what
they want us to believe. To the capitalist elites, we
are but a product, hundreds of millions of worker bees
addicted to televison, easily persuaded and exploited,
wishing for the escapist fantasies we see, sold like
shares of stock to other corporate entities interested
in our existence, in our captive audience. They are the
strings by which we move, the drill instructors by which
we march and the brain by which we
Propaganda, both corporate and
governmental, has seemingly exploded with the
ever-increasing consolidation of the media. Today few
interests own the majority of our nation's airwaves,
newspapers, Internet access, print media and television
stations. One company can in essence control everything
you hear, see and read on a daily basis, every year of
your life. From coast to coast our sources of
information are increasingly being sold to wealthy
multinational corporations that more and more are
mingling into our daily lives, transforming our beliefs,
views and goals. American society is guided by them,
evolving through the commands that help shape the
direction opinion will take. Diversity of opinion and
thought is disappearing faster than biodiversity on
There is nothing more ominous than peering
into the not-to-distant future and seeing Rupert
Murdoch's NewsCorp ñ one of the world's largest media
companies and owner of the Fox network (We distort, We
decide) ñ have majority ownership of DirecTV, the
nation's largest home satellite TV company that in many
ways represents the future of entertainment and
information delivery. If the deal is allowed to go
through NewsCorp could incessantly shove down our
throats its right-wing, pro-Bush, pro-Murdoch business
propaganda while shutting off truthful and diverse
sources of information. With Bush's FCC enamored with
consolidation it is a good bet that the deal will go
Guided by measly crumbs of ten-second
news flashes, in paltry thirty-minute news capsules
loaded with a potpourri of deceptions and distortions,
the masses are subjected to a blitzkrieg-like summary of
that news which the elites deem necessary to serving
their own interests. These drops of news and information
we are granted are designed to quench the already
conditioned low level of curiosity among the masses.
These morsels have no intellectual worth, no capacity to
inform and act more to exacerbate ignorance than to
educate. What tidbits of news are allowed to fester are
an amalgam of contorted half-truths, cheerleading
subjective diatribe and porous reporting that is biased
in favor of those conglomerates that employ the
reporter. This assures that the decisions and interests
of the wealthy and powerful are maintained and accepted
by the masses.
What information does not serve
the oligarch interest is either suppressed by omission
or attacked. Government and corporate interests, such as
those prevalent in our occupation of Iraq, prevent
realities and truths from surfacing. Instead, propaganda
is disseminated that will distort and manipulate the
masses into believing exactly what those in power want.
Corporate media caters to military interests because in
many instances they are part of the military industrial
complex. Simply look at General Electric, one of the
world's largest military contractors and owner of NBC
and its sister stations. Helping manipulate the masses
in time of war allows both the corporate media and the
government advance their respective interest in
subverting public participation and discourse while
advancing a perception of consent around the nation.
Forming a symbiotic relationship, both now fused into
the same two headed beast, one the master of the other,
their combined actions undermine the reality of a world
not seen by the American public.
Corporate media,
an extension of its mother company, reports
pro-business, pro-corporate and anti-labor positions on
a constant basis. News bits lean towards those interests
that will help the corporation achieve its goals of
profit maximization, whether from pushing conservative,
right-wing views onto a gullible public or from
conditioning audiences towards those views it sees as
paramount in securing allegiance. News reports are
created not to be right but to have the highest ratings,
which in turn means greater profit. The interests of the
masses are ignored and exchanged for that debate which
will fit the interests of the elite minority. Today,
growing reports of an economic recovery linger on the
evening news, but can we see it in our lives and in that
of our friends and neighbors? No, but good economic news
benefits the elite who depend on your wallets to fatten
up theirs.
Many low and middle-class citizens,
through propaganda, manipulation and constant
bombardment by incessant repetition of sound-bite
slogans and visual imagery end up supporting those
interests that are contrary to their own socioeconomic
well-being. These people have in essence been
brainwashed into believing that by assenting to the will
and opinion of the elite their lives will be made
better. Unfortunately for them, their lives are made
worse as the continued exploitation and subjugation of
their class continues by the same entities they so
fervently believe in. This is a system where the
powerful few command the weak majority and where the
most important decisions are made to the benefit of the
elite at the detriment of the rest.
of the masses has been made easy with the advent of
television. Populations, many made ignorant by pervasive
and purposeful determents of education (itself a
different article altogether), naturally believe and
blindly place their confidence in those "trusted"
entities they watch on a daily basis. Television is made
an all-comforting apparatus as we warmly welcome home
the many celebrities we become enraptured with, each
manifesting inside us our desire to partake in the small
fictional fantasy world they inhabit. We become numb to
reality and its consequences, failing to analyze and
question the actual world we reside in due to
conditioning we have undergone since early
Over time we become robots incapable
of discerning or even seeking the truth in the news that
is provided us. We have been stupefied into believing
the garbage blasted from the monitor. We have been
trained to never question, always accept and to always
flip the remote when our attention runs dry. News is
decided on the basis of ratings and on the advertisers
paying for commercial spots. Corporate media is but a
business where profit is king and where the seeking of
customers ñ other corporations buying ad space ñ is of
primary importance. We are but a means to an end, mere
statistics in the earnings game. Shows are designed not
for our enjoyment but to attract and retain as many
souls as possible from which to harvest revenue from
advertisements and product consumption.
corporate media inundates us with promotion, news,
gossip, tabloid, rumor and innuendo from those
celebrities placed high above the pedestal of
sanctimony. Our heroes' daily lives, loves, mistakes and
exploits are absorbed into our psyches through the
constancy of corporate media's assault on our
brainwaves. Hollywood-hero news is designed to distract
us from real world events such as war and recession,
keeping our minds pre-occupied and away from information
that might wake our slumbering conscious. While
showcasing for our viewing pleasure the present
tribulations of our halo-anointed superstars of the
moment, so-called journalists dissect, analyze and
comment about hairstyles, appearance and supposed crimes
with award winning passion. Yet real, pertinent and
important news is given minor and oftentimes erroneous
insight. Throughout the channel-horizon we see the same
news, headlines and marketing package. The oligarch's
WMDs have been unlocked; weapons of mass distraction
fester like noxious gases in every state, city and
Repetitive sound-bites, facetious imagery,
verbosity and one-sided and frivolous analysis and
commentary by pundits, spinsters, newscasters and
recycled "experts" is a daily and rampant occurrence on
corporate channels, each spitting out talking points and
the company lines and opinion, never forcing the viewer
to actually think for herself. Relevant news is brushed
aside in seconds so that the latest up-to- the-second
news on "Wacko Jacko" is aired. Stories that have no
relevance other than to stupefy a nation into ignorance
are played and replayed, trumping that news that affects
most people. We are witnesses to a form of propaganda
that is transforming this nation from a once
bright-shining pulsar of informed democracy into a dark
nebula of nothingness where everything that matters is
neglected and all that degenerates and indoctrinates
Without an informed and participatory
citizenry democracy begins to stumble. Our government is
being taken over by the corporate Leviathan and we are
indifferent as to its consequences. Crony capitalism is
affecting tens of millions through lower wages, layoffs,
longer hours, lost savings, tax burdens, lack of health
care, increased pollution, perpetual warfare, electoral
fraud and the gradual elimination of social services.
Yet we remain passive and loyal, ignorant to the
Leviathan's war against us. The oligarchy uses its
powers of manipulation to divide and alienate us from
each other. The divisive and passionate topics of class,
race, culture, religion, party affiliation, immigration
and education are constantly hammered into our
collective mind, announcing as real myths and
stereotypes, classifying peoples into groups and
imputing on them the necessary ingredients by which
society will marginalize and disdain them. We are told
our way of life is in peril, that we must vote against
our interests in order to preserve that which we most
cherish. As usual, fear is used to attain the
Leviathan's interests. A united society is a threat to
the establishment, which is why we are separated and
corralled into distinct clusters, conditioned to
segregate ourselves from those deemed different and to
fear those labeled a threat to our existence.
its never-ending campaign to control us, corporate media
instills fear into our daily lives. It has found a gold
mine with the war on terror, becoming yet another
fear-mongering profiteer and looter of the American
public. Abusing our still fragile memories of 9/11, the
corporate media unleashes the vast array of products it
manufacturers onto us, using fear as its principle
marketing tool, hurling diatribes about our supposed
imminent threats looming in every city. Consume,
consume, consume the Leviathan commands, knowing full
well that our fear will eventually succumb to their
perpetual warnings of apocalyptic zeal.
has become a nation of obedient drones, aimlessly
walking empty streets devoid of an informed and
participatory population. Our nation is being pillaged
in front of our eyes, the government is now in the hands
of our masters. Apathetic puppets we have become, free
thinking minds we have none. The light that once shined
so bright has disappeared in a fictional world of
fright. The elite that pull our strings are becoming
stronger, objective information is disappearing. The
powerful few now control the nation's media and its
ideas, and soon our free will and freedom to think as
well. Democracy is disappearing, the Leviathan is
swallowing us whole little by little, assuring itself of
allegiance from a people who once questioned, were once
curious and who once had control of this great
"Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of a nation'" |
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by KuhWaver
( on Wednesday, December 10 @
10:37:09 EST (User
Info) |
This is a
thoroughly depressing article. Alas, it is also
It serves as a glaring example of the long odds
any Dem presidential candidate would face to counter
this tsunami of corporate media sleight of
hand. | [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by helios on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 11:32:21 EST (User
Info) |
There was recently
a thread on the message board which asked "Is the Smirking
Chimp Relevant ?". The only answer is ,YES . This website is
relevant precisely because it is not controlled by the
mega-corporations . This site is relevant because it is a
forum for the free exchange of ideas and is a participatory
democracy of sorts . This site is relevant because it
challenges the controlled media and tells the stories they
want to keep hidden . This site is relevant because it
represents a windbreak against the rising storm of fascism .
Valenzuela is right . The propaganda and mind-control
have exploded . We , who are stll awake have an obligation to
sound the alarm
| [
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Wow. (Score: 1) by reprehensor
on Wednesday, December 10 @ 11:46:29 EST (User
Info) |
Intense. Wouldn't
this be nice message to tuck inside your Xmas cards this
God knows people need to hear
it. | [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by jreed on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 12:09:19 EST (User
Info) |
EVEN AS I SCREAM THIS. We'll know next November whether or not
it's too late. My pessimistic self says it is. In the
INTERNET!!! | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by taz on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 12:38:02 EST (User
Info) |
This is becoming
more and more apparent as I talk with people. Especially
family members whom I feel should know better. Yet there they
are - quoting obvious lies as if they were the unvarnished
truth. (and get outraged if challenged) What will it take to
wake the citizenry up? What will make them demand truth in the
media? | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by BajanMan on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 12:56:46 EST (User
Many low and middle-class citizens, through
propaganda, manipulation and constant bombardment by
incessant repetition of sound-bite slogans and visual
imagery end up supporting those interests that are contrary
to their own socioeconomic well-being. These people have in
essence been brainwashed into believing that by assenting to
the will and opinion of the elite their lives will be made
It needn't be this way. That it
is shows major faults in our system of education and public
schools - which have become largely repositories of rote
"learning"- rather than critical thinking. The rote learning
condition now reinforced with 'teaching to the test' dictates
that often determine the extent of funding. Or whether funding
will be granted at all.
So what we have, is a mass
production system for churning out corporate slaves, serfs and
unquestioning Babbits. Exactly the sort of pseudo-citizen
(actually, consumer) the corporate state would desire.
John Taylor Gatto in his book, 'The Underground
History of American
that in the 19th century, before corporatists took over public
education and deformed it to their ends, rhetoric and
debate had been part of the regular curriculum. These
subjects helped to mold critical, argumentative minds that
tested claims against reality - and challenged claims
(irrespective of who made them) when they fell short.
No surprise then that citizens were alert and aware
and often the power mongers' worst nightmare, since they were
held to account for what they said.
As Gatto observes,
people realized that without this mental protection of
critical awareness - afforded by the skills of rhetoric- they
were merely "geese waiting to be plucked". (Which was
why the corporatists' first mission was to exclude such
'dangerous fare' from education).
Of course, we behold
the product of that decision now, in all the assorted poll
permutations foisted upon us by the corporate media. That show
any degree of support for BushCo and theirnation eroding,
corrupting policies.. A large willing populace with no mental
protections, and no ability to discern what they're told, and
how inimical it is to their own interests. Hence 'geese
waiting to be plucked' in Gatto's words.
Or sheeple
waiting to be shorn.
| [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by afors on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 13:19:08 EST (User
Info) |
What an excellent,
well-written article. Forgive me for not knowing who Mr
Valenzuela is, but his observations are extremely astute. For
a frightening "fictional" extrapolation of the scenario he
describes we need look no further than Orwell's "1984". There
is only one way presently to counter the onslaught - stay
informed of the real news (through sites like this), be aware
of the corporate influences at play in every aspect of our
society, and make free choices wherever it is still possible.
Getting everyone to do this is more of a
challenge. | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by Garzoid on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 13:29:46 EST (User
Info) |
What's most
distressing is that anyone is supprised or outraged by this
Is this any different than getting McDonalds
to stop advertising their salty, fatty, heart-killing foods
directly to out 8 year-olds? You tell me!
It's all
about profits. People don't mater. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.
Capitalism is great when it works and it's just as bad
as anything else when it doesn't.
That's why the U.S.
media including CNN, FOX, MSNBC, NY Times, etc. are now no
different than now than Pravda was during the Soviet
Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, you name doesn't matter. The media is always eventually
controlled by the uber-rich and powerful. And the result is
always the same. ALL PROPAGANDA ALL THE TIME. Read
1984. | [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by regular_joe3_0
(veryPissedOff@theChimp) on Wednesday, December 10 @
13:48:39 EST (User
Info) |
What tidbits of
news are allowed to fester are an amalgam of contorted
half-truths, cheerleading subjective diatribe and porous
reporting that is biased in favor of those conglomerates that
employ the reporter. This assures that the decisions and
interests of the wealthy and powerful are maintained and
accepted by the masses.
Here's just one example
from current events:
Do you know why seniors in America
have to go to Canada to purchase drugs at affordable
Because the Canadian government negotiates a
deal with the pharmaceutical companies that lowers the prices
of drugs in Canada.
So why doesn't the US government do
Because our "representatives" in congress are in
the pockets of those same pharmaceutical companies. In fact,
the Republicans who wrote the new Medicare bill that Smirk
signed on Monday went so far as to write language into the
bill that actually prohibits the government from negotiating
with the pharmaceutical companies in order to lower drug
Given a clear choice, our "representatives" in
congress chose to reward the pharmaceutical industry at the
public's expense. How can they get away with this outrageous
dereliction of duty?
Because the media doesn't report
the news. It only reports what its corpo-right owners want you
to know. They want you to believe that Smirk and his party
delivered on a campaign promise of drugs for seniors in
Medicare -- big time -- because, if you believe that the
Republican party is out there working for you, then you'll be
inclined to keep them in power.
Was it good
legislation? No, the people clearly got fucked.
Can we
afford it? No, but it's just a drop in the bucket of money
we're blowing on Smirk's bogus war in Iraq, again, money that
goes directly to the corporations that supported Smirk's
Will it make our lives better? No, but it will
keep drug prices high, and that's what pharmaceutical
lobbyists care about. I hope you don't think they give a shit
about all those old folks who have to go to Canada to get
their medicine.
So why do people keep voting for
Republicans? Because they're gullible and they just don't know
any better. Either that, or their just plain
stupid. | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by stonefruit on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 14:14:02 EST (User
Info) |
"It bombarded the
public unceasingly with enthusiastic reports of the nation's
colossal war effort ... Dissenting voices were stilled, either
by agreement with the press or by the persuasive action of the
agents of the Department of Justice.
Intellectual and
emotional bombardment aroused Americans to a pitch of
enthusiasm. The bombardment came at people from all sides -
advertisements, news, volunteer speakers, posters, schools,
theaters; millions of homes displayed service flags. The war
aims and ideals were continually projected to the eyes and
ears of the populace. These high-pressure methods were new at
the time, but have become usual since then.
conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits
and opinions of the masses is an important element in
democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism
of society constitute an invisible government which is the
true ruling power of our government.
We are governed,
our minds are moulded,our tastes formed, our ideas suggested,
largely by men we have never heard of. This is the logical
result of the way in which our democratic society is
- Edward Bernays, founder of modern
propoganda, nephew of
Freud | [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by czardogs on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 14:26:55 EST (User
Greed lust and the
new capitalism - makes for a wonderful world if you are rich,
connected to the rich or willing to sell your soul to the
We live in disgusting times. manipulation of the
masses has always been a favourite activity of the wealthy
elitists - that is how they stay in their positions.
We need to challenge them at every turn and in the end
their is only one way to defeat these parasites - dont feed
the corporate machine.
Turn off the mainstream media,
dont shop at walmart or the Gap, bank at credit unions not the
big banks, dont eat McDonalds - instead eat at the local ma
and pa place, stop buying goods made overseas - it cuts into
their profits here and forces them to employ local labour, and
always refuse the rush to
war! | [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by arvosmom on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 15:20:03 EST (User
Info) |
The sad truth is
that most of the nation wouldn't UNDERSTAND this article,
because it is well-written and uses language they would
consider unreadable, because the words are big and the
paragraphs long. They wouldn't make it past "oligarch,"
"omnipresent," or "entities." So, tuck it into your Christmas
cards if you wish. But I would imagine that those with the
edcational background to read it would already believe it
without being convinced. Or, I suppose I should say, I HOPE
that would be the
| [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by smoky on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 16:23:06 EST (User
Info) |
Mr. Valenzuela
speaks the truth. I have been reading other articles of his,
especially his three part series on Iraq and his take on the
military industrial complex. excellent insight. check out the
link to one of his
articles. | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by Alumbrados on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 19:54:27 EST (User
Info) |
Welcome to the New
World Order, where the miracle drug* keeps everyone under
*Miracle drug = U.S. Dollar. Miracle,
because regardless of which ever religous ethos any citizen
clings to, they all "believe" those little pieces of paper
with ink on them are worth something. Drug, because
everyone I know, including myself, is addicted to it. Try
living without it and see how far you get. Most people live
from hit to hit like any other junkie while the "High Priests"
of the pushers extols it's value,
literally. | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by LastBaron
( on Wednesday, December 10 @
20:24:18 EST (User
Info) |
Without an informed and participatory citizenry, democracy
begins to stumble.
Groucho Marx: Politics is
the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere,
diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong
Cardinal de Retz, 18th cent. French
Clergyman Politician: Nothing sways the stupid more than
arguments they can't understand.
George Mason:
When the same man, or set of men, holds the sword and the
purse, there is an end of liberty.
David Hume,
British Writer-philosopher: It is seldom that any freedom
is lost all at once.
Edmund Burke, British
Statesman: The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away,
for expedience, and by parts.
All of the foregoing
very aptly summarize what has been going on in this country
since 2000. Benjamin Franklin perhaps sums up best what a
large part of the "justification" (post-9/11) for our new
Fascist form of existence is:
They that can give up
essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve
neither safety nor liberty.
Finally, Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe, German Poet & Writer aptly
summarizes: None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who
falsely believe they are free....
Bush & Cheney
= Hitler & Goebbels reborn. Those who will not learn from
history are condemned to repeat
| [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by Skinnyman on Wednesday,
December 10 @ 22:32:32 EST (User
Info) |
This article is so
true.But I don't think it is just our freedom and democracy
that we are losing, but it is also a regression of
civilization.Think about it. Everything seems to be in
favor of violence,from the toys available for children to
movies, music and the way we treat other countries. It
seems to me to be always this tough in your face
attitude. That kind of crap doesn't enhance
Instead of spending all this money on a
war with Iraq, we should be spending it on humanitarian
efforts.Had we been doing that prior to 9/11, I don't think
that disaster would have happened.
We all must take a
stand and help in any way we can to get these Republicans
defeated in the next election.
I would like to see a
Dem. get in and reverse the Bush agenda. Then I would like to
see these criminals get prosecuted.
I don't watch tv
much anymore because I know how biased it is. I saw a short
movie clip of our marines executing an Iraqi. Now you know
that will never be shown in the U.S. on any of the big
Robert Fisk has a website that is full of
pictures of Iraqi wounded and dead. The U.S. has thousands of
soldiers that are maimed for life. But you will not see or
hear about any of this on tv or radio.
It may already
be too late, but we cannot just give up. A lot of our veterans
of the past have actually fought for our freedoms that we
have. It would be a great insult to the men and women who
died so we could live in freedom,for us to just give up. WE
MUST NOT, AND CANNOT LET THIS GO ON. We must do anything and
everything to bring about a change.
The Republican view
is that it is a ME world. Everything for ME, and to hell with
you. How wrong they are. They don't think they have to share
this planet with everyone else.That mindset is so evident in
Smirk. He didn't intercede in any death penalty while
governor of Texas. Now the killing of civilians in Iraq.
Threatening the world to do what he wants. He is truly a
sorry, sadistic, immature little
man. | [
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by sockeyeBill on Thursday,
December 11 @ 03:48:35 EST (User
Info) |
Well now folks,
that is not what it is like where I live. Ok, it is a small
town of 200 folks up in the high sierra. People have moved
here for many reasons. Not the least of which is to get away
from all of that 1984 stuff. We all have a degree Of some
kind. But we do what we want to do and think the way we want.
Gov't really is not part of our lives in the least, except for
snow plows. We are all neigbors and we treat each other that
way. People up here respect every opinion that others have and
do not criticize, other than say well that is bullshit and ask
why did you say that. Regards
S. | [ To
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by farrout on Thursday,
December 11 @ 10:19:06 EST (User
Info) |
"America has
become a nation of obedient drones, aimlessly walking empty
streets devoid of an informed and participatory population.
Our nation is being pillaged in front of our eyes, the
government is now in the hands of our masters."
And. .
.it is purposeful. An enslaved population is far easier to
manipulate. Impoverishing a nation accomplishes several things
but the worst is the psychological numbing. Most of us would
do absolutely anything to feed and/or house our selves, our
The so-called threat of terrorism HAS been an
effective drug. This coupled with thought impoverishment
examined in this article and the availability of real goods
may create a sort of lawless state. Feeling threatened, many
will beg the government to protect them effectively creating a
police state. Will you or I be complicit in this coming act of
treason against the constitution?
What ARE we to do
about? Besides turning off the tv, we can read, read, write,
write and fight, fight, every step of the way.
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Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by TangiEllis on Thursday,
December 11 @ 14:02:37 EST (User
Info) |
Imagine my
surprise to come across this article...its like Mr. Valenzuela
was reading my mind and put it into print. My husband and I
are WTC survivors, having worked for Borders Books and Music
in WTC 5. Since then, we have seen our country following in
fear behind the Bush administration's quest for world
domination. We've been appalled and angry to have our
experience used as an excuse to violate the rights of our
fellow human beings, to take away our constitutional rights in
the country, and to bully us into submission for an
administration that has and never will have our best interests
at heart. We sat back in horror as we watched the media point
the finger at first Bin Laudin, then Saddam Hussein for
9/11....then wondered why people aren't angry because Bin
Laudin has never been found (and isn't it funny how another
one of those stupid tapes from him always surfaces whenever
questions about this war on terrorism surface?) and then our
country stormed into Iraq after a dictator that had nothing to
do with 9/11 on faulty evidence....then are astounded that
NOBODY seems to question where the hell the WMDs are in Iraq
that Saddam supposedly had. I am forever grateful for websites
like this one that allow freedom of thought and give us
reasons to keep going on with our struggles. Here in Rhode
Island we have companies that have not bothered to give their
employees raises in over four years due to bogus union
disputes (namely the Providence Journal Company that I was
once employed by) and not one of these people even bother to
question why they are working themselves to the bone for
little or nothing. I am a supporter of this website. I'm
sending the link to all who know me and I'll try my hardest to
get you donations because WE NEED THINGS LIKE THIS!!! Much
love, Tangi | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by gladiator on Friday,
December 12 @ 00:37:05 EST (User
Info) |
I, too, really
like this article, very well written using wonderful
adjectives, never used by the ignorant media, to define this
catastrophic time in America's life.
I ended my
working life of 38 years by being fired by a big HMO that I
worked for 5 years ago. During the 90's, I became more and
more disgusted by companies and their treatment of workers. I
began to question stupid policies, blatant discriminatory
practices, and even dared talk back to a company CEO who said
my notes were too detailed. This was delivered to me by one of
his subordinates. I told "subordinate" to tell "CEO" to come
tell me himself what he had a problem with. He apparently
didn't (too afraid) and I was spared... for awhile. I knew my
number would be up soon, but I figured the cost for freedom
was well worth it!
What's my point? As many of you
already know, the big fascist take over began in earnest,
again, about 20 years ago. And now, as the article said, it is
almost complete. As soon as I turned to the web in earnest a
few months back, I only very selectively watch TV programming;
I've quit watching almost everything. Our local newspapers,
owned by Dean Singleton bye the by, has barely any news
because there are pages and pages and pages of ADs! Any time
there is a snowstorm anywhere, the networks go nuts over
them...and who knows what real news slides into
WE MUST DO ALL WE CAN to get this
administration out; it will still take years to undo the
corruption, especially if the congress is still controlled by
Republicans, not to mention the Supreme
Court. | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by jackalope on Friday,
December 12 @ 08:54:02 EST (User
Info) |
"Apathetic puppets
we have become, free thinking minds we have none. The light
that once shined so bright has disappeared in a fictional
world of fright." True. There coexists a nonfictional world of
fright for thinking folks who aren't attached to strings. This
morning, for a time, I couldn't access smirkingchimp. My
not-so-paranoid flash of fear had reasonable
cause. | [ To reply to this message, you must first logon or register
Re: Manuel Valenzuela: 'The stupefaction of
a nation' (Score: 1) by buggin on Friday,
December 12 @ 19:40:56 EST (User
Info) |
This is the most
comprehensive explanation of the lack of knowledge ob the
American public I have seen. It is frightenly true, I have
wondered how people can be so blind as not to see through
all the bull; thanks to the article, its crystal clear. It
should be distributed in language that all those who read
newspapers can understand.
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