Should We Make of the Charge Linking the Bush Family Fortune to
John Buchanan is a free-lance journalist with a
mission. He intends to alert the media, and all who will listen,
about how Prescott Bush, the progenitor of two presidents, was in
league with some of Hitler’s “willing helpers.” Minimized or totally
dismissed by the public, the story was revived from its World War II
roots by Webster Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin in their
"George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography" (1992) and given a strong
additional push in John Loftus’s sensationalist "The War Against the
Jews" (1994).
Allegations involving the “father” of what has become the Bush
dynasty relate to his association with Brown Harriman and Company,
the Wall Street investment banking firm, which evolved from a 1931
merger of W. A. Harriman and Company and Brown Brothers, which was
brought together by George Herbert Walker, president of the former,
and his son-in-law, Prescott.
The younger Bush, by then, was one of the seven directors of
Brown Brothers Harriman, a board that included W. Averell Harriman
and his brother Roland.
Buchanan’s charges of a Bush-Nazi past are hard to ignore,
largely because of his passion as a true-believer and an effective
of articles in a highly independent New England publication. His
enthusiasm for getting “at the truth” of all this has been further
emboldened by Loftus, who has suggested
that Prescott Bush “should have been tried for
treason, because they continued to support Hitler after the
U.S. entered the war. Loftus, who describes himself as “a former
prosecutor with the U.S. Justice Department’s Nazi-hunting unit,”
has added the reassurance that he “could have made the case.”
Treasury and Justice department files, including what was then
the Office of Alien Property, declassified as recently as September,
do indeed show that the U. S. government acted to seize numerous
assets held by Harriman affiliated companies. “After the war,”
Buchanan has written, “a total of 18 additional Brown Brothers
Harriman and UBC-related [Union Banking Corporation] client assets
were seized” under the Trading With the Enemy Act,
which Franklin D. Roosevelt signed right after Pearl Harbor.
George Herbert (Bert) Walker’s relationship with
Averell Harriman went back to 1919, reported Buchanan, when both
went to Paris to set up “the German branch of their banking and
investment operations, which were largely based on critical war
resources such as steel and coal.” Other corporate entities, all
with ties to similar German interests, were then created by UBC,
which had Prescott Bush on its board – most notably, the
Hamburg-American Line, the Holland-American Trading Corporation, and
the Seamless Steel Corporation. On October 12, 1920, the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat headlined “Ex-St. Louisan Forms Giant Ship Merger,”
explaining that Bert Walker was the “moving power” behind the
“merger of two big financial houses in New York, which will place
practically unlimited capital at the disposal of the new
American-German shipping combine.” In the summer and fall of 1942,
Congress, under the authority of the Trading With the Enemy Act,
seized the first group of entities, the UBC, the Holland-American
Trading Corporation, and the Hamburg-American Line. Buchanan’s
diligence has discovered that the latter “reportedly
smuggled Nazi spies into the U.S. before the war and encouraged U.S.
‘Patriots’ to travel to Germany and proselytize for Hitler in the
early 1930s.”
Much of this is confirmed by the new documentation. The
UBC was not a “bank” at all but “in reality a clearing house” for
many assets and enterprises held by Fritz Thyssen, a German steel
magnate who has written about his role in helping to finance the
Third Reich. Located close to Bush’s 59 Wall Street office, it was
“founded in 1924 by W. Averell Harriman on behalf of Thyssen and his
Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N. V. of Holland.” The UBC was
seized by the United States under Vesting Order 248 on October 20,
1942, and, according to Buchanan, Bush and Harriman later received
$1.5 million in compensation. Similar vesting
orders leading to the divestiture of “enemy national” assets
continued until well after the war. (A total of ten such vesting
orders that indicate the firm’s investments are in the files in my
possession.) Other holdings, associated with Bush, are more
problematical, such as the relationship with the Silesian Holding
Corporation and Consolidated Silesian Steel, which was bought from
Thyssen in 1931.
In 1943, after press reports that the Polish mining interest was
employing forced labor by using prisoners from the Auschwitz
concentration camp, we are informed that “Prescott Bush distanced
himself from UBC and had even engaged in the collection of funds for
the victims of the war in his role as president of the National War
Fund.” He had, in fact, taken over as head of the United Service
Organizations soon after Pearl Harbor, raising “millions for the
National War Fund,” according to Mickey Herskowitz, Prescott’s
recent biographer.
The declassified papers confirm questionable transactions in
violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act, but, as with all
examinations of corporate malfeasance, more is needed to establish
individual responsibility. Buchanan himself, when pressed for more
details about Auschwitz, was uncharacteristically hesitant.
Consolidated Silesian was the only direct link to the notorious
death camp. A file in the Library of Congress confirms the business
part of the relationship, but does not give any financial details.
“More secretive,” says Buchanan, “is where the cloaking arrangement
with Sullivan and Cromwell [most often associated with its
best-known partner, John Foster Dulles] and Schroeder Rock, which is
the Schroeder Bank and the Rockefeller family trust and investment
arrangement – that links to the Rockefeller dealings (which John
Loftus has written about) to the New York banks, some of which had
to do with I. G. Farben through City National Bank
of New York in back of those transactions.” Buchanan contends that
there are also records involving the City National Bank, which he
cites as “definitely the hot-blood area for all the Nazi money,
especially I. G. Farben and Hermann Schmidt, the infamous managing
director of I. G. Farben,” which was represented in court by
Dulles’s Sullivan and Cromwell.
Their relationship with German enterprises, moreover, began
during the years of Germany’s Weimar Republic, well before Hitler's
rise. An international investment banking firm, they also did
business with the Soviets during the 1920s (which was not in
violation of any statute), and, all in all, with forty-five
different countries. Their correspondent relationships spanned the
world and numbered some five thousand, according to Walter Isaacson
and Evan Thomas's The Wise Men, transactions that hardly were
confined to Nazis or the Soviet Union.
Still, “following the money trail” is a tricky matter. Loftus
points out that the Weimar government, pressed to pay their
reparations bill, had to borrow gold from Sullivan and Cromwell’s
American clients, and that some 70 percent of the gold that “flowed
into Germany during the 1930's” came from U. S. Investors, and
heavily from clients of the Dulles firm. An internal government memo on
August 18, 1941, also noted that the UBC had made ”extensive”
purchases of gold amounting to over eight million dollars, most of
which was then shipped to Europe, presumably Germany. That
transaction, speculated
J. W. Pehle, an assistant to the secretary of the treasury, may
have been the basis for rumors that Fritz Thyssen “has large gold
deposits hoarded in the United States.” His own examination of the
UBC books and ledgers, however, showed that “all of the purchases
have been satisfactorily accounted for.”
In view of all the financial transactions involving Germany
during this period, the role of that major Jewish banking family,
the Warburgs (which also did business with the Harriman group),
demonstrates some of the realities of the flow of capital. The
Warburgs, backed by such American groups as B’nai B’rith and the
American Jewish Committee, demanded in 1934, according to Tarpley
and Chaitkin, that “American Jews not ‘agitate’ against the Hitler
government” or participate in any pro-Nazi boycott. Such denial
about Nazi objectives was not unusual at the time. Aryan laws, at
that point in German history, were still less tangible than the
Understandably, the American media has indeed been skittish about
the Bush-Nazi story. The association of the Tarpley-Chaitkin book
with the organization headed by the Lyndon LaRouche organization
(published by the Executive Intelligence Review of Washington, a
LaRouchian press) has not been helpful, to say the least. Nor has
the sensationalist tone and dubious message of Loftus’s "The War
Against the Jews." One prominent critic of the administration in
Washington, journalist Joe
Conason, while acknowledging that the “involvement of Prescott
Sr. and other members of the American business aristocracy with
Nazi-era industry was shameful,” protests that “neither his
offenses, nor the Republican Party’s politics of personal
destruction, can justify using such [smear] tactics. Imputing Nazi
sympathies to the President or his family ought to beneath his
adversaries.” After a story on the allegations appeared in the
Polish edition of Newsweek, it was “spiked” by the news
magazine’s American version. Major U.S. outlets, Buchanan contends,
have also bypassed a chance to investigate the story “when
information regarding discovery of the documents was presented to
them.” Although carried by the Associated
Press, few members picked it up. One that did, Newsday
on New York’s Long Island, ran it under the headline “Bush
Ancestor’s Bank Seized by Gov’t.”
A notable exception to the skepticism about Buchanan has been the
New Hampshire Gazette. Published as a fortnightly in
Portsmouth with a circulation of some seven thousand and owned and
edited by journalist Steven Fowle, a descendant of the Daniel Fowle
who first brought it out in 1756 (making it, “the nation’s oldest
newspaper”), it has, to date, run two Buchanan stories plus his
interview with John Loftus. Fowle, called by a writer for the
St. Petersburg Times, an example of “Yankee Spunk,”
explained that he thought it vital to gauge to what extent the Bush
family fortune was derived from the Nazis. “If it’s true, it ought
to be said,” he emphasized, “and it’s not my fault that it’s ugly.”
Asked to account for the skittishness of most of the media, he
responded by doubting that the president’s staff would care much
about revelations in his paper and added that most of the other
media outlets “don’t have the courage to stick their necks out if it
involves challenging power. The only trouble with that is that
challenging power is their job.”
Conason, of course, is right. But, at least to some extent, it
did happen, even if the details are far from clear. As with all such
examples of infatuation with power, or the control of power, or the
interests of sheer survival, the story should be told. As John F.
Kennedy once said, “let the chips fall where they may.”
The most judicious and succinct appraisal of all this was offered
by Christopher
Simpson ten years ago in n a book called "The Splendid Blond
Beast: Money, Law and Genocide in the Twentieth Century:"
By 1944 and 1945, leaders of major German companies such as
automaker Daimler Benz, electrical manufacturers AEG and Siemans,
and most of Germany’s large mining, steelmaking, chemical, and
construction companies found themselves deeply compromised by their
exploitation of concentration camp labor, theft, and in some cases
complicity in mass murder. They committed those crimes not so much
out of ideological conviction, but more often as a means of
preserving their influence within Germany’s economy and society. For
much of the German economic elite, their cooperation in atrocities
was offered to Hitler’s government in exchange for its aid in
maintaining their status.
All this, especially considering the number of American
businesses that were engaged in the German market, says more about
finance and capitalism than about ideology. It is a story of power,
totalitarianism on one hand, and sheer greed and economic survival
on the other – and with no relationship to “morality.” We need to do
more than merely sift through the essence of Buchanan's assertions,
as troubling as they may be, to appreciate the value of his labors,
and wonder at the contribution to public knowledge of Steven Fowle’s
maverick newspaper.
What all this means for the reputation of Prescott Bush's
descendants should be as relevant as Joseph P. Kennedy’s for his
descendants, just as it was for the connection of the Dulleses with
Sullivan and Cromwell. Similar associations did not keep John Foster
Dulles from becoming secretary of state or his brother Allen from
heading the C.I.A. Nor did it stop Averell Harriman from becoming
governor of New York.
Herbert Parmet is Distinguished Professor
Emeritus of History at the City University of New York and the
author of "George Bush: The Life of a Lone Star Yankee" (1997) and
"Eisenhower and the American Crusades" (1972).
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