Lie-Detection Examinations:
Wayne Morin Jr.
Conducted in May 2006
John Grogan &
Associates (818) 883-6969 ·
May 19, 2006
Dear Mr. Morin:
Pursuant to your
request, I conducted a series of Computerized Lie Detection Examinations with
examinee Wayne Morin Jr, in regards to situations in his past.
During paralinguistic pre-test interviews, the examinee and I thoroughly discussed the relevant issues (listed below as questions). All terms and words to be used in the relevant questions were understood by the examinee and then defined by the examinee to my satisfaction.
At the conclusion of the paralinguistic
pre-test interviews, acquaintance tests were conducted. These tests were used to prove to both the
examinee and to myself that the examinee was suitable for this examination.
Adequate recordings of the examinee’s physiology and verbiage were obtained
during these portions of the examinations, so the testings continued.
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Wayne Morin Jr.
The examinee was asked the following requested relevant questions:
While you were on T-2 did a staff member ask you and your friend to
use heart paddles on Jim Brown? Y
Were you told by staff members to not talk about the incident? Y
Did you contact Patent Rights Susan Kissler? Y
Did you hear a staff member say that Jim Brown will not live long? Y
you ever smoked pot with staff psych techs at
Have you and your family ever smoked pot with staff? Y
you ever used Ritalin to get high with staff? Y
Were you getting Ritalin injections when you wanted? Y
Did you and a staff member have a sexual relationship? Y
Were you going to move in with the staff and live together use drugs and have
sex? Y
Did Doctors and Unit Staff and care workers on unit have knowledge of your
affair? Y
Were you going to get married to the staff member? Y
When you were a minor have you ever been in Jail? Y
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Wayne Morin Jr.
When you were a minor have you been in Marin County Jail? Y
When you were a minor have you been in Napa County Jail? Y
When you were a minor have you been in San Bruno County Jail? Y
seen by Judges DA's Office Court Attorneys while in Jails? Y
While a minor in Jail did you go before a Judge? Y
While a minor in Jail did you go before a DA? Y
While a minor in Jail did you go before a Court Attorney? Y
in Jail did Police know you were a minor & do nothing about it? Y
While in Jail did the inmates know you were a minor? Y
Do you know of women being sexually abused by doctors at
Has any woman told you she was sexually abused by a doctor at
Was the name of the doctor Dr Kline? Y
Did you ever know of other staff members having sexual relationship and drug
use with clients? Y
Did you ever know of staff members bringing meth to client? Y
Did you ever know of staff member bring drugs to clients (weed, speed,
alcohol)? Y
Have you ever been on a Unit where sales of amphetamines, speed, weed, alcohol,
were done by staff? Y
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Wayne Morin Jr.
After carefully analyzing
and computer-reviewing the collected
charts and notes, it is the opinion of the examiner/analyst that
was no deception indicated during the examinations.
These results indicate that the examinee was telling the
truth to the best of his knowledge & memory of the events when answering
the relevant questions above.
If I may be of any further
assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Examiner/Voice Stress Analyst