function insertFlash(src,duration,numericid,owner,splash) { getEl('flashmovie').innerHTML = ""; } function insertSlideshow(album,divid) { var width = 500; var height = 500; getEl(divid).innerHTML = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } function insertAudioPlayer(music_item_id) { var width = 500; var is_linux = ''; var height = 54; // is_linux ? 37 : 150; var player_url = ""; // is_linux ? "" : ""; getEl(music_item_id).innerHTML = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } var Hiding_Audio_List = new Array; function hide_audio_player_list(music_item_id) { Hiding_Audio_List[music_item_id] = true; setTimeout("maybe_really_hide_audio_player_list('" + music_item_id + "');", 2000); } function maybe_really_hide_audio_player_list(music_item_id) { if (Hiding_Audio_List[music_item_id]) { getEl(music_item_id + '_overflowdiv').style.height = '37px'; } } function show_audio_player_list(music_item_id) { Hiding_Audio_List[music_item_id] = false; getEl(music_item_id + '_overflowdiv').style.height = '150px'; } function insertMusicPlayer(mp3s) { getEl('flashmusic').innerHTML = ""; } function docwrite(thevar) { document.write(thevar); } function insertFlashnl(src,duration,numericid,owner,splash) { getEl('flashmovie').innerHTML = ""; } function insertAudioReply(item_id,element_id,reply_id) { var width = 300; var height = 34; var is_linux = ''; var player_url = ""; getEl(element_id).innerHTML = "
" + "
" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
"; } function insertMulTV(item_id,element_id,reply_id,is_owned,is_reply) { var additional_vars = ''; var width = 480; var height = 409; var swf_file = "multv"; if (reply_id != '') { additional_vars += '&reply_id=' + reply_id; } if (is_owned) { additional_vars += '&is_owned=1'; // hide channel guide button } if (is_reply) { additional_vars += '&is_reply=1'; // hide channel guide, menu, prev/next buttons width = 300; height = 256; swf_file = "multv300"; } getEl(element_id).innerHTML = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } function insertVideoRecorder(element_id, oid, uid, sec, env, base_uri, reply_id) { getEl(element_id).innerHTML = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } function insertAudioRecorder(element_id, oid, uid, sec, env, base_uri, reply_id) { getEl(element_id).innerHTML = "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + ""; } if (!window.Multiply) Multiply = {}; // prevent multiple definitions if (!Multiply.Browser) { var user_agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); Multiply.Browser = { is_firefox : /firefox/.test(user_agent), is_safari : /safari/.test(user_agent), is_opera : /opera/.test(user_agent), is_msie : /msie/.test(user_agent) && !/opera/.test(user_agent) }; Multiply.Browser.version = (user_agent.match(/.+(?:ox|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/) || [])[1]; // define variables to make this compatible with existing code var isie = Multiply.Browser.is_msie; var isie7 = Multiply.Browser.is_msie && Multiply.Browser.version >= 7.0; var is_firefox = Multiply.Browser.is_firefox; var is_safari = Multiply.Browser.is_safari; var is_opera = Multiply.Browser.is_opera; } // -*- mode: javascript; -*- var xml_reqs = new Array(); function new_ajax_request(name) { var req = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest(); if (req) { if (!name) name = 'req' + xml_reqs.length; xml_reqs[name] = req; return req; } return null; } function make_param_string(params) { if (params == null) return null; var type = typeof params; if (type == 'undefined') return null; if (type == 'string') return params; var p = []; // if params is an array, assume that the array elements are form elements if (params.constructor == Array) { for (var i in params) p.push(encodeURIComponent(params[i].name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(params[i].value)); } else { // assume params is an object of key/value pairs for (var key in params) { // if the value is an array, the key names are repeated var value = params[key]; if (value && value.constructor == Array) { for (var i in value) p.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value[i])); } else { p.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)); } } } if (p.length > 0) return p.join('&').replace(/%20/g, "+"); else return null; } // sends ajax requests (both GET and POST) // callback is called upon successful response. // callbacks don't need to check response status. // suitable default is used for req_name if not specified. function ajax(url, callback, options) { // console.log('ajax: url |' + url + '|'); var method = 'POST'; if (options && options.method != null) { method = options.method; } var data = options && options.params ? make_param_string(options.params) : null; var new_callback; if (callback) { // console.log('ajax: setting up callback ...'); new_callback = function(req) { if (req.readyState != 4) return null; if (req.status != 200) return null; return callback(req); }; } var req = new_ajax_request(options ? : null); var async = true; if (options && options.async != null) async = options.async; // console.log('ajax: async = |' + async + '|'); if (req) { if (new_callback) req.onreadystatechange = function() { new_callback(req); };, url, async); if (method == 'POST') { req.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); req.setRequestHeader('Content-length', data ? data.length : 0); req.setRequestHeader('Connection', 'close'); } // console.log('ajax: sending ' + method + ' |' + url + '|'); req.send(data); } return req; } // convenience function to perform an ajax GET request // callback is called upon successful response. // callbacks don't need to check response status. // suitable default is used for req_name if not specified. function ajax_get(url, callback, req_name) { // console.log('ajax_get: url |' + url + '|'); return ajax(url, callback, { method: 'GET', params: null, name: req_name }); } // convenience function to perform an ajax POST request function ajax_post(url, params, callback, req_name) { return ajax(url, callback, { method: 'POST', params: params, name: req_name }); } // compatibility wrapper function for load_xml_document function load_xml_document(req_name, url, callback) { return ajax(url, callback, { method: 'GET', params: null, name: req_name }); } // compatibility wrapper function for post_xml_document function post_xml_document(req_name, url, callback, params) { return ajax(url, callback, { method: 'POST', params: params, name: req_name }); } // convenience function to perform an ajax GET request, // load the response text in element with id specified by 'elem'. // Optional third arg 'show_elem' specifies the id of an element // to be made visible. if 'show_elem' is not specified, 'elem' // is made visible. function ajax_load(url, elem, show_elem, post_load_callback) { var callback = function(req) { getEl(elem).innerHTML = req.responseText; // run any embedded scripts run_embedded_scripts(req.responseText); display(show_elem || elem, true); if (post_load_callback != null) { post_load_callback(); } }; return ajax(url, callback, { method: 'POST', params: null, name: 'req_' + elem }); } function run_embedded_scripts(html) { var re = new RegExp('(.*?)', 'gm'); var scripts = html.replace(/\n/g, "").match(re); if (scripts && scripts.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var script = scripts[i].replace('', '').replace('', ''); eval(script); } } } var live_replies = 0; var global_page_key; var global_page_desc; var Maybe_Unpad_Div; var Page_Load_Count = 0; function load_viewing_history_for(key,desc) { global_page_key = key; global_page_desc = desc; var url = '/show-viewing-history/' + key + '?item_desc=' + escape(desc); var req = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : ''; req.onreadystatechange = function () { if (req.readyState == 4 && req.status == 200) { getEl('viewing_history_holder').innerHTML = req.responseText; } }'GET',url,true); req.send(null); } function refresh_viewing_history() { if (!global_page_key) { return; } load_viewing_history_for(global_page_key,global_page_desc); } function set_disabled(id, on_off) { var el = document.all ? document.all[id] : document.getElementById(id); if(el) el.disabled = on_off; } function set_visible(id, on_off) { var el = document.all ? document.all[id] : document.getElementById(id); if(el && = on_off ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; } function set_classname(id, new_name) { var el = document.all ? document.all[id] : document.getElementById(id); if(el) el.className = new_name; } function display(id, on_off) { var el = document.all ? document.all[id] : document.getElementById(id); if(el && = on_off ? '' : 'none'; } function toggle_display(id) { var el = document.all ? document.all[id] : document.getElementById(id); if(el && = ? '' : 'none'; } function set_opacity(el, amount) { if (typeof el == 'string') el = getEl(el); if (!el || typeof el == 'undefined') return; = amount/100; = amount/100; = 'alpha(opacity=' + amount + ')'; } function toggle_dropdown(id) { display('new_dropdown', false); display('explore_dropdown', false); display('group_post_table', false); var el = getEl(id); = ? '' : 'none'; = 199; if((id == 'go_dropdown' || id == 'new_dropdown' || id == 'explore_dropdown') && hide_owner_title) { var ot = getEl('owner_nav'); set_visible('owner_nav',; set_visible('page_start',; if(ot) = ? '0' : '1200px'; } if(getEl('page-start')) { getEl('page-start').style.opacity = ? 1 : .4; getEl('page-start').style.filter = ? "" : "alpha(opacity=40)"; } } var default_group_id; var default_group_name; var post_new_check_leave_page; function post_new() { if (post_new_check_leave_page) { var msg = 'Confirm\n\nAre you sure you want to navigate away from this page?\n\nYour unsaved Blog Entry will be lost.\n\nPress OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.'; if (! confirm(msg)) return; } window.skip_unload_check = 1; display('post_new', 1); display('post_new_link', 0); reset_groups_div(default_group_id, default_group_name); } function toggle_submenu(id) { toggle_display(id); } var hide_owner_title; function hide_dropdown_delay(id) { display(id, false); var slider = getEl('slider-1'); if(slider) = 'visible'; if(hide_owner_title) { var ot = getEl('owner_nav'); if(ot) = '0'; } if(getEl('page-start')) { getEl('page-start').style.opacity = 1; getEl('page-start').style.filter = ""; } } var hide_timeout; function hide_delay(id) { var func = "hide_dropdown_delay('" + id + "')"; if(!hide_timeout) hide_timeout = window.setTimeout(func, 500); } function no_hide_delay() { window.clearTimeout(hide_timeout) hide_timeout = 0; } var dropdown_group_id; var group_name; function set_group_for_posting(group_id, grp_name) { dropdown_group_id = group_id; group_name = grp_name; display('pickgroup', 0); display('postgrouplist0', 0); display('postgrouplist1', 0); display('postgrouplist2', 1); display('postgrouplist3', 0); var url = '/group-post/' + group_id; load_xml_document('group_post', url, popup_group_post_callback); } function popup_group_post_callback() { if (xml_reqs['group_post'].readyState != 4) return; if (xml_reqs['group_post'].status != 200) return; display('postgrouplist2', 0); var div = getEl('group_post_response'); div.innerHTML = xml_reqs['group_post'].responseText; var gname = getEl('group_name_label'); if(gname) gname.innerHTML = '
Post to the group site to share with fellow group members, or pick another group
'; var gname2 = getEl('group_name_title'); if(gname2) gname2.innerHTML = 'Add to ' + group_name; display('postgrouplist3', 1); } function toggle_group_dropdown(div_id, group_id, group_name) { var gname = getEl(div_id + '_name'); if(gname) gname.innerHTML = '

Add to ' + group_name + '

'; if(dropdown_group_id == group_id) { toggle_display(div_id); } else { dropdown_group_id = group_id; display(div_id, 1); } } function go_group(url) { if(dropdown_group_id) window.location.href = 'http://' + dropdown_group_id + '' + url; else alert("Please select a group first."); } function submit_this(url) { var frm = createEl('form'); frm.method = 'POST'; frm.action = url; document.body.appendChild(frm); frm.submit(); return true; } function confirmLink(message, url) { if(confirm(message)) submit_this(url); } function confirmSubmit(message, form_name) { if(confirm(message)) getEl(form_name).submit(); } function confirmBlock(url) { return confirmLink("Removing a message means you will not see the message nor its future replies. Please note that this is a message board, where unlike e-mail, it is not necessary to remove messages from this page. They will simply scroll off as they get old.\nAre you sure you want to remove this message and any replies?", url); } function setBlocked(id, nmid) { display('mrow_' + id, false); var ael = getEl('blocklink_' + id); if (ael) = 'none'; post_xml_document('delete_' + id, '/item/set-blocked/' + nmid + '/true', do_nothing, "no_redirect=1"); } function getEl(el) { return document.all ? document.all[el] : document.getElementById(el); } function createEl(type, id, theClass) { var el = document.createElement(type); if (el) { if (id && id.length > 0) = id; if (theClass && theClass.length > 0) el.className = theClass; } return el; } function getElementsByClassName(classname, node, tag) { var a = new Array(); if (!node) node = document; if (!tag) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); var re = new RegExp('\\b' + classname + '\\b'); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if (re.test(els[i].className)) a.push(els[i]); } return a; } function getElementsByClassNameExact(classname, node, tag) { var a = new Array(); if (!node) node = document; if (!tag) tag = '*'; var els = node.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) { if (els[i].className == classname) a.push(els[i]); } return a; } function readCookie(name) { if(document.cookie == '') return false; var firstChar, lastChar; var theBigCookie = document.cookie; name = name + '='; firstChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(name); if (firstChar != -1) { firstChar += name.length; lastChar = theBigCookie.indexOf(';', firstChar); if(lastChar == -1) lastChar = theBigCookie.length; return unescape(theBigCookie.substring(firstChar, lastChar)); } else { return false; } } function setCookie (name,value,expires,path,domain,secure) { document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) + ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") + ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") + ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") + ((secure) ? "; secure" : ""); } function setImgSrc(id, src, width, height) { var img = getEl(id); img.width = width; img.height = height; img.src = src; } function window_height() { var myHeight = 0; if(typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number') { myHeight = window.innerHeight; } else if(document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if(document.body && document.body.clientHeight) { myHeight = document.body.clientHeight; } return myHeight; } function containsDOM (container, containee) { var isParent = false; do { if ((isParent = container == containee)) break; containee = containee.parentNode; } while (containee != null); return isParent; } function checkMouseEnter (element, evt) { if (element.contains && evt.fromElement) { return !element.contains(evt.fromElement); } else if (evt.relatedTarget) { return !containsDOM(element, evt.relatedTarget); } } function doesContain(elThis, elThat) { if (elThat == elThis) return true; if (elThat == null) return false; return doesContain(elThis, elThat.parentNode); } function checkMouseLeave (element, evt) { if (evt.toElement) { return !doesContain(element, evt.toElement); } else if (evt.relatedTarget) { return !containsDOM(element, evt.relatedTarget); } } function selectAll() { } var OverrideSelectAll = 0; function hotKeys (event) { event = (event) ? event : ((window.event) ? event : null); if (event && event.ctrlKey) { var charCode = (event.charCode) ? event.charCode : ((event.which) ? event.which : event.keyCode); var myChar = String.fromCharCode (charCode).toLowerCase(); if (window.submitReply && ((myChar == "m" && charCode == 77) || myChar == "\n" || myChar == "\r")) { if (submitReply()) getEl('replyform').submit(); } if (OverrideSelectAll && myChar == "a") { cancelEvent(event); return selectAll();} } } function cancelEvent(e) { // try to prevent side effects (browser defaults) e = e || window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); return false; } function addEvent(obj, evType, fn, useCapture) { if (obj.addEventListener) { obj.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture); return true; } else if (obj.attachEvent) { var r = obj.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn); return r; }; }; function quicksearch_setup() { var input = getEl('quicksearchinput'); if(input) { ph = input.getAttribute("placeholder") if(ph && ph != "") { input.value = ph; = 'gray'; input.onfocus = quicksearch_focus; input.onblur = quicksearch_blur; } } } function quicksearch_focus() { if( == 'gray') { this.value = ''; = 'black'; } } function quicksearch_blur() { ph = this.getAttribute("placeholder") if(ph && this.value == "") { this.value = ph; = 'gray'; } } var guideboxheight; function do_nothing () { return; } function collapse_guidebox(id, nonvirgin) { display(id, false); display('openbox' + id, true); load_xml_document('setpref', '/user/set-pref/no_guidebox:' + id + '/1', do_nothing); } function open_guidebox(id, nonvirgin) { display(id, true); display('openbox' + id, false); load_xml_document('setpref', '/user/set-pref/no_guidebox:' + id + '/0', do_nothing); } function show_advanced() { display('display_options', 1); display('belowlinefloatright', 0); display('item_table', 0); display('item_table_bottom', 0); display('mail_tabs', 0); display('mail_tab_wrap', 0); display('mail_label', 0); display('advancedlinks', 0); display('next_page_links', 0); display('included_display_options', 0); } function hide_advanced() { display('display_options', 0); display('belowlinefloatright', 1); display('item_table', 1); display('item_table_bottom', 1); display('mail_tabs', 1); display('mail_tab_wrap', 1); display('mail_label', 1); display('advancedlinks', 1); display('next_page_links', 1); display('included_display_options', 1); } function pick_post_group() { display('pickgroup', 0); display('postgrouplist1', 1); } function reset_groups_div(default_group_id, default_group_name) { if(default_group_id) { set_group_for_posting(default_group_id, default_group_name); } else { display('pickgroup', 1); display('postgrouplist0', 1); display('postgrouplist1', 0); display('postgrouplist2', 0); display('postgrouplist3', 0); var gname2 = getEl('group_name_title'); if(gname2) gname2.innerHTML = 'Add to a Group Site'; } } function maybe_unpad_div() { if (Maybe_Unpad_Div && getEl(Maybe_Unpad_Div)) { getEl(Maybe_Unpad_Div).style.paddingTop = '0px'; } } function popup_miniprofile(element, user_id, offset_x, offset_y, maybe_pad) { var div = getEl('miniprofile_div'); var pos = getPos(element); // maybe_pad is used for moving multv down in replies so that it doesnt overlap the mini profile and we still have fullscreen functionality. if (getEl(maybe_pad)) { getEl(maybe_pad).style.paddingTop = '120px'; Maybe_Unpad_Div = maybe_pad; } if (offset_x || offset_y) { = (pos.x + offset_x) + 'px'; = (pos.y + offset_y) + 'px'; } else { = pos.x + 'px'; = pos.y + 'px'; } = 'absolute'; div.innerHTML = "
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Click to turn off e-mail alerts.'; value = true; } else { if (size == '12x12') el.src = ''; else el.src = ''; el.className = 'unsubscribed'; el.title = 'Subscribe to e-mail alerts for this message.'; value = false; } var url = '/item/set-subscribed/' + id + '/' + value; load_xml_document('subscribe_' + id, url, do_nothing); } function add_class(el, class_name) { if (el && typeof el == 'string') el = getEl(el); if (!el) return; if (el.className && el.className.match(new RegExp('\\b' + class_name + '\\b'))) return; el.className += (el.className ? 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