var save_resize_key; function textareaResizer(textarea) { if (textarea == null) return; if (textareaResizer.htmlstyle == null) textareaResizer.htmlstyle = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].style; var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), name; switch (true) { case ua.indexOf('konqueror') >= 0: case ua.indexOf('opera') >= 0: case ua.charAt(ua.indexOf('msie') + 5) == 5: // IE5 return; break; }; var index = textareaResizer.instances.length; textareaResizer.instances[textareaResizer.instances.length] = this; var handle = document.createElement('span'); handle.className = 'textarea-handle'; handle.onmousedown = function(e) { textareaResizer.instances[index].listen(e); }; handle.onmouseover = function() { = 'n-resize'; }; handle.onmouseout = function() { = 'auto'; }; = "relative"; handle = textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(handle, textarea.nextSibling); handle.middle = Math.ceil(textareaResizer.findHeight(handle) / 2); this.handle = handle; this.textarea = textarea; this.index = index; this.minHeight = 14; var ht = textareaResizer.findHeight(textarea); if (ht > 0 && ht < 30) { display('cell_submit', false); display('viewing_history', false); } }; textareaResizer.isResizing = false; textareaResizer.instances = new Array; textareaResizer.htmlstyle = null; textareaResizer.findPosY = function(obj) { var curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop obj = obj.offsetParent; } else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y; return curtop; }; textareaResizer.findHeight = function(element, recalc) { if (element.height && recalc != true) return element.height; else { if ( element.height = parseInt(; else { = element.clientHeight + 'px'; element.height = parseInt(; }; return element.height; } }; textareaResizer.pageY = function(e) { if (!e.pageY) return e.clientY + window.document.documentElement.scrollTop; else return e.pageY; }; textareaResizer.prototype.listen = function(e) { var handle = this.handle, index = this.index; textareaResizer.htmlstyle.cursor = 'n-resize'; textareaResizer.isResizing = true; handle.onmousedown = null; handle.onmouseup = function(e) { textareaResizer.instances[index].stopListening(e); }; window.document.onmouseup = function(e) { textareaResizer.instances[index].stopListening(e); }; window.document.onmousemove = function(e) { textareaResizer.instances[index].resize(e); }; }; textareaResizer.prototype.resize = function(e) { if (!e) var e = window.event; e.cancelBubble = true; var selection = document.selection; if (selection) selection.clear(); if (textareaResizer.isResizing) { var textarea = this.textarea, handle = this.handle, minHeight = this.minHeight; /* This next statement is: * Textarea height + * Desired change in height + * Half the size of the handle (so the cursor stays in the middle of it) */ var newHeight = textareaResizer.findHeight(textarea, true) + textareaResizer.pageY(e) - textareaResizer.findPosY(handle) - handle.middle; if (newHeight < minHeight) newHeight = minHeight; if (newHeight < 30) { display('cell_submit', false); display('viewing_history', false); } else { display('cell_submit', true); display('viewing_history', true); } = newHeight + 'px'; }; }; textareaResizer.prototype.stopListening = function(e) { var handle = this.handle, index = this.index; textareaResizer.htmlstyle.cursor = 'auto'; textareaResizer.isResizing = false; window.document.onmousemove = null; window.document.onmouseup = null; handle.onmouseup = null; handle.onmousedown = function(e) { textareaResizer.instances[index].listen(e); }; if (save_resize_key) { var height = textareaResizer.findHeight(this.textarea, true); var url = "/user/set-pref/" + save_resize_key + "/" + height; load_xml_document('save_resize', url, save_resize_callback); } }; function save_resize_callback() { }