The Stealth Persuader: Many
people think Congress is the host of the gala
annual National Prayer Breakfast, which takes
place this week. It is not. The breakfast is
organized by 33 members of Congress who belong to
a well-connected but secretive Christian group
called the Fellowship Foundation, which is run by
Douglas Coe. Coe, 76, has been called the "stealth
Billy Graham." He specializes in the spiritual
struggles of the powerful.
Several members of Congress live in
rooms rented in a town house owned by a foundation
affiliated with the group. Coe and his associates
sometimes travel (on their own dime) with
congressional members abroad and—according to
investigations by the Los Angeles Times and
Harper's—have played backstage roles in such
diplomatic coups as the 1976 Camp David accords.
Yet Coe also befriends dictators. "He would still
hold out hope that these people could be redeemed
and try to work through them to help the people
over whom they have authority," says Richard
Carver, president of the Fellowship's board of
directors. Some skeptical Evangelicals criticize
Coe's indiscriminate alliances and his downplaying
of Jesus' divinity in favor of his earthly
teachings—which allows Coe to pray with Muslim and
Buddhist leaders. But few turn down an opportunity
to confer with him.