AIDS Is Man-Made
Interview with Dr. Boyd Graves
The Final Call, Sultan Muhammad, Posted: Oct 30, 2004
( - After beginning his research on the
AIDS pandemic in 1992, Dr. Boyd Graves discovered in February
1999 the greatest evidence, to date, of records and reports of
the experiments that led to the development of what the world
now knows as the AIDS virus. That document is the “1971 Flow
Chart of the Special Virus Program of the United States.” Dr.
Graves submitted this flowchart as evidence to the Sixth
Circuit Federal Court in a case which named the President of
the United States as a defendant to answer a petition
acknowledging the authenticity of the Flow Chart. On January
12, 2001, the case was dismissed as “frivolous,” and then
referred to the District’s Appellate Court, which ruled in
favor of the lower court. Eventually, it went to the Supreme
Court, which refused to hear it without giving comment as to
why. Dr. Graves spoke with Final Call contributor Sultan
Muhammad to explain the significance and consequences of his
Sultan Muhammad (SM): What is this
flowchart and what does it indicate?
Boyd Graves (BG):
The 1971 Flow Chart is the blueprint for the development of
AIDS. It is the quintessential missing link document which
provides absolute proof of the U.S. origin of HIV/AIDS. It is
located in one of the 15 progress reports of the federal
program entitled “The U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program.” I
believe the term “cancer” was a misnomer to misdirect the
actuality of the HIV development. It provides, again,
absolute, absolute evidence of the U.S. origin of HIV as a
synthetic biological agent.
We are currently bringing
the lawsuit again with respect to the origin of AIDS/U.S.
manufacture of AIDS, vis-à-vis through a federal complaint
which we now have pending in the San Diego Federal
SM: There have been several other researchers
who have said what you have said. However, your research
appears to be the most specific and the most conclusive
evidence. Why?
BG: I believe what you will find with
some of the world scientists and medical doctors who have
involved themselves in this issue is they have only taken it
so far. I believe, maybe, out of fear. I also believe that
some of them may, indeed, be a part of the problem as it
relates to a blown cover that let some of the air out of the
bag, but not all of the air out of the bag.
any cursory review of the U.S. Special Virus Program—the 15
progress reports—would show conclusively that, indeed, HIV is
synthetic. It has been developed over a number of years and it
has an affinity for people of color. But the research here, as
reflected on my website,, is as extensive
as I can possibly make it, so that our people can see the
totality of the other side of the development of this
SM: When you say affinity to people of color,
how is it directed?
BG: What the science and medical
evidence concludes is that the HIV enzyme seeks out a receptor
site in the blood of the Black genome. The receptor site is
the CCR5 Delta 32+ (positive) gene that all people of color
have. In the same sense, on the other end of the spectrum, is
the 15 percent Caucasian population of the world, which is
CCR5 Delta 32-(negative) gene. That means that under no
circumstances, whether HIV came through the air, intravenous
drug usage or any form of the sexual activity, would the virus
be transferable in this sector of the world’s population,
which is basically of northern European descent.
It is
speculated by some experts that, in a worse case scenario, 85
percent of the world’s population could potentially perish
under these designer viruses and designer synthetic biological
agents. What we’re looking at here—because of this identified
gene of the Black genome, this CCR5 Delta32+ (positive)—we are
potentially looking at the eradication of all people of
SM: Your statement reminds me of the year 1932,
when Mr. Prescott Bush, the grandfather of the current
president, convened the first international eugenics
conference here in America. I understand this year was
significant for other reasons. Could you explain?
Many of us are aware that the Tuskegee experiment, where Black
sharecroppers were injected intentionally with syphilis for
the purposes of infiltrating syphilis into the Black genome.
Some 60 years later, we could then say that Black people are
scurrilous; syphilis runs rampant throughout Black people and,
therefore, they are someone to be placed in a secondary
capacity. That is particularly in line with the eugenics
program where White births are encouraged and Black births are
In 1932, the infectious agent of HIV was
first tested on sheep in Iceland. That agent is called Visna.
In 1932, in conjunction with the Tuskegee syphilis program,
they were testing the infectious agent of HIV on an island
nation. We have Visna as 30 percent of the sequences of the
HIV here today. So, 1932 not only is significant for the start
of a push for eugenics, i.e. a White birth order, but also the
start of the testing of the infectious agent of HIV in
SM: Can you give us a timeline of the case that
you brought before the federal courts?
BG: September
of 1998 was the first legal action on this issue and that was
even prior to the discovery of the flowchart, which was not
until February 1999. We brought this case in the federal court
for the purposes of proving and showing the evidence
overwhelmingly suggests and concludes that HIV is synthetic.
It is also supported in the Congressional Records, in
particular House Resolution 15090. The original lawsuit was
rejected on the basis that the synthetic origin of AIDS was a
frivolous issue. This matter went all the way to the Supreme
We are currently bringing the lawsuit again
with respect to the origin of AIDS/U.S. manufacture of AIDS,
vis-à-vis through a federal complaint which we now have
pending in the San Diego Federal Court. This case is with
respect to a police kidnapping of me last July, where I was
beaten and injected with something and discarded by the
police. However, their records show that I was never arrested.
The issue there is that I was making irrational
statements that the federal government made AIDS. As the
experts can clearly show, my statements are not irrational. My
website indicates that I have some 30 scientists and medical
doctors who have posted their conclusions of my research, and
for that I am grateful. Their credentials are impeccable and
we believe that this federal case, as it relates to the San
Diego police, will allow for this issue to come forth again.
We believe we have the strongest case yet, with regard to
proving that HIV is synthetic and has been produced by the
United States and others.
SM: Do you think the program
Global 2000 is used in complicity with the U.S. Special Virus
BG: I believe what Global 2000 represents is a
shadow government where a few elitist White men—in such
organizations as the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign
Relations and, even to some extent, the Illuminati—have made a
plan by which two billion of the world’s people will perish
vis-à-vis these synthetic biological agents. We believe it is
the underpinning of what I call the “African Holocaust.”
I also think it is reflected in the National Security
Study Memorandum 200, which was drawn up by Henry Kissinger in
1974 and taken to the World Population Conference held in
Bucharest, Romania. It was adopted and approved by many of the
nations of the world, including some African puppet government
dictators at that time.
The Global 2000 plan is a
hideous plan that magnifies the Hitler/Jewish Holocaust by
about 50 percent with respect to the number of people that
have been planned for extermination. Much of that is the
Global 2000 plan and the King Alfred Plan. But it was also
drawn up in the U.S. Public Law 91-213 that was signed on
March 16, 1970 by President Richard Nixon which, in essence,
authorizes HIV/AIDS and the development of HIV/AIDS as a
matter of Public Law of the United States of
SM: I want to go back to the federal court
case which was refused by the Supreme Court without
BG: The case in 2000 was a full disclosure as
it relates to the Freedom of Information Act. We were seeking
full disclosure of the Special Virus Program vis-à-vis the
courts. They were presented with the flowchart document, as
well as a May 15, 2000 letter from Dr. Victoria Cargill, the
medical officer of the Office of AIDS Research of the National
Institute of Health. Dr. Cargill declared in the letter that
the flowchart is the flowchart of the human immune deficiency
virus. Here, we have an official document from the United
States saying the same thing.
In May of 2000, it was
declared as the flowchart of the immune deficiency virus from
the top medical officer of the United States. Yet, the Justice
Department merely set the documentation aside. Dr. Cargill
located the flowchart, as well as some of the Progress Reports
of the Special Virus Program from the archives of the National
Cancer Institute and wrote a letter to that effect.
referred this information to the National Cancer Institute to
Dr. Allen S. Rabson, who quickly destroyed all the information
for a good reason. We found that Dr. Allen S. Rabson, the
current deputy director of the National Cancer Institute, was
on the 1971 HIV/AIDS developmental committee and his name is
located in the Progress Report.
SM: There were 15
Progress Reports?
BG: Yes, covering 1963 through 1978.
Then, we had HIV/AIDS in mass infection in Africa and
Manhattan. In Phase V of the flowchart document, you see that
the special virus that they were developing was going to be
placed in clinical trials. Here we have conclusive proof again
that vaccines were complemented, not contaminated. The
smallpox vaccine that went to Africa was complemented with the
U.S. special virus HIV. Also, they recruited promiscuous White
homosexuals in Manhattan—1,068 of them, I believe—and they
were all given an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine and that
vaccine was also complemented with HIV/AIDS.
the question to pose for the officials of our government is
how a White homosexual disease transforms itself into healthy
Black women. Black women are now the fastest growing group
with HIV/AIDS today.
SM: In Chicago, a few months ago,
a young couple went to visit their daughter in a major
hospital and found a needle hanging in her leg. The parents
had the needle examined and it was found to be laced with
AIDS. Would this be among the methods AIDS is administered to
BG: Again, we refer back to the 15 Progress
Reports of the federal program which details every experiment
and every contract. What you find is a conglomeration of
colleges, hospitals, medical centers and foundations—all
working together for the sole purpose of the development,
implementation and proliferation of the HIV virus, through the
human genome, primarily the Black genome.
Muhammad (SM): In the early seventies, during the so-called
“sickle cell anemia” scare, could the purpose of the blood
collection (said to be done to determine if that person had
the disease) have been to acquire enough blood from Blacks to
use in the study of biological warfare?
Boyd Graves
(BG): That’s exactly correct. That program was again a part of
the Special Virus Program. The program began officially in
1962. However, the research shows that it began a lot longer
ago than that. The collection of blood, the tinkering with the
Black genome, has been going on throughout the entire 20th
We have a memorandum from February 1948,
Foreign Policy Statement No. 21 written by George W. McKenna,
where it states emphatically that the United States has to get
over the niceties. That the United States had to
develop/devise a scheme to deal with the burgeoning population
of the Third World.
We further cite a Time magazine
article from June 3, 1946, “Better Than The Bomb,” where the
May 1946 Appropriation Hearing is discussing a biological
agent. We believe that they’re discussing the inducement of
visna into the human genome. But we find in the 1971 Progress
Report, on page 39, that there is a statement by the United
States that visna has not yet been associated with human
disease. Today, according to the Journal of American Medical
Association (JANA) in a 1987 paper, they conclude that
HIV/AIDS evolved from visna.
What is shown here are
the connection and the nexus of how visna has been manipulated
through gene splicing and placed into the human genome so that
we would have no natural affinity towards the visna. Indeed,
it would be an acquired immune deficiency.
That’s the exact language of the
congressional testimony in June 1969. They were working on
something for which no natural immunity could have been
acquired, and that is from the congressional records that set
House Resolution 15090, page 129 and the heading there is
“Synthetic Biological Agents.”
So what we find is that
this inducement and development of HIV/AIDS, as they proclaim
it to be a mystery illness from nature, is, indeed, a designer
virus from the laboratories of the United States of
SM: In reading the June 1969 Senate
Subcommittee Hearing on Chemical and Biological Weapons, I was
surprised to learn what had been developed during that
BG: They go into specific detail as it relates
to, not only a lethal agent—HIV and AIDS—but also
incapacitating agents which we believe have manifested
themselves in chronic fatigue syndrome. There is also the Gulf
War Illness, where Dr. Garth Nicholson proclaimed is the HIV
genome with one gene missing. Therefore, this June 1969 House
Resolution 15090 shows that they were working on a synthetic
biological agent; in the language of the Pentagon, “an agent
that would lead to worldwide scourge or a Black Death type
plague.” We believe that they are talking about AIDS.
SM: Who is Dr. Robert Gallo?
BG: Dr. Robert
Gallo is one of the primary scientists involved in the Special
Virus Program. He located a human retrovirus, an RNA
dependant, DNA polymerase, in 1971. That is in the Progress
Report, page 105. This isolation was, and is, a plural
effusion from a 5-year-old Black American boy that was used as
the entity that all has fused from. It’s the research of Dr.
Gallo, coupled with the Special Virus Program, in which he had
a green light to do whatever it took to develop a special
virus for the purpose of population stabilization.
simpler terms, he received a patent (U.S. Patent No. 4647773)
to continue the production of HIV in April 1984. As far
back as 1971, he was noted as a project officer. Consequently,
President Clinton, before he left the office of the
presidency, pardoned Dr. Gallo for any acts relative to this
SM: Your research reports that there was/is a
cure for AIDS.
BG: Absolutely. The Flow Chart has five
phases. In Phase IV A are immunological controlled experiments
where they developed the inhibitors, the vaccines, as well as
the cure for HIV/AIDS before it was released. There is a cure
for AIDS patented in, I believe, October 1997, a one-time
injection that eradicates the HIV/AIDS in the blood system
without any side effects.
SM: Were you diagnosed with
BG: I had a diagnosis. There is some speculation
that it might even have been false-positive. There are many
conditions. One of the conditions that I had at that time
allowed, for Black people in particular, to test
false-positive for HIV/AIDS, whereby you were placed on
medicines with tremendous side effects. These medicines led to
liver failure that killed a number of persons.
November 2001, I took the U.S. patented cure and, for the last
33 months from a physical standpoint, have been in the midst
of rejuvenation.
Therefore, we do know that the cure is
available; it works; we believe it is suppressed simply
because not enough people have been killed yet.
What is this cure called?
BG: Tetrasil. It has a second
name, which is Imusil. The patent number is
SM: Who has the patent on this
BG: The patent was issued to Rabbi Dr. Marvin
Antelman of Morantech Corporation in Providence, Rhode Island.
In my research and contact with Rabbi Dr. Antelman, he told me
he had a college relationship with Dr. Gallo, who had stolen
something that he and others had been working on. That led me
to think that perhaps Dr. Antelman was given the AIDS cure as
a payback by Dr. Gallo. There is a connection between the AIDS
invention and the AIDS cure patent program.
There is a
tetra silver that is used in swimming pools. We found a
similarity of the blood in your body with respect to the water
in a swimming pool. If you put something in a disc in your
swimming pool, then all the water becomes clear. The same is
true with this one-time injection of purifying the blood in
the body. The process is identical to how you purify the water
in the swimming pool, and I believe that the swimming pool
product is called tetra silver. Dr. Antelman changed the name
from Tetrasil to Imusil.
SM: Who is Dr. Vincent
BG: Dr. Gammil is a friend of mine who led me
to the Tetrasil. He was also instrumental in supervising Dr.
Roberto Munoz, of Mexico, when I received the injection in
November 2001.
SM: Did you receive the injection in
BG: No, I received it in Southern
SM: How were you able to get the
BG: The chemical composition of the Tetrasil is
Ag4O4 (Silver 4/Oxygen 4). It is a relatively simple compound
to make.
We could flood Africa with it and bolster the
individuals who are suffering and laboring under the throes of
HIV and AIDS, so that we have a chance to save the continent.
As we speak, the first trials of the cure, Tetrasil, have
gotten underway, with only three individuals in Kinshasa
taking the injection.
A recent report was that the
individuals are doing well and are delighted to have had the
AIDS cure. Therefore, we know it works and we know that it is
SM: Thank you.
(Dr. Graves
earned his Juris Doctor degree from the Ohio Northern
University College of Law in May 1993, almost 20 years after
receiving a B.S. degree in Engineering from the U.S. Naval
Academy in Annapolis, Maryland in 1975. He has been a Director
of AIDS Concerns for the international medical research
foundation, Common Cause, headquartered in Sudbury, Ontario,
Canada for the last five years. For more information, visit
Account for One-Fifth of India's HIV Cases, Expert
New Permissiveness Can Worsen AIDS Woe
Contracted By Women of Color at an Alarming Rate
Are the ‘Invisible Man (Woman)’ at AIDS

User Comments
JOE BLOE on Nov 02, 2004 at 16:16:04 said:
This is something that must be printed and distributed. The NWO has gone too far and must be stopped. This may be little games compared to what they have in store for us as lower class citizens. 4 more years should be lived against NWO not as loyal sheep.
Mark Hamilton on Nov 02, 2004 at 09:26:47 said:
I'm gay and I have AIDS. I blame myself.
C.L. on Nov 01, 2004 at 22:40:30 said:
This is wrong.
-->Please read Prof. Duesenberg's (University of California, Berkeley) arguments on this. HIV is not the cause of aids but merely a coincidence. Please go to and read it.
Thinking someone created HIV artificially is nonsense as HIV itself does not cause AIDS.
There is more behind AIDS but certainly not HIV. AIDS is caused primarily by drugs in the western world, while in africa the definition for AIDS is a different one. You don't even need a positive HIV Test in Africa to be labeled as having AIDS.